Anonymous ID: 772aea April 10, 2019, 3:41 a.m. No.6118972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8988


They're claiming the Moreno government is working with the US to get JA back to the US to stand trial (death penalty implied).

As to why a Spanish guy is blackmailing WL… no hack has been claimed by WL, so far… Does not compute.

Noodle baking stuff.

They are definitely trying to pin this on Moreno.

I think this is his lawyer talking? He is saying the only reason JA hasn't been booted out of the embassy is due to the shame it would bring on Equador. I think the reason is more complicated than that, and might involve certain blobs of data floating about waiting for keys to unlock them.

Anonymous ID: 772aea April 10, 2019, 3:47 a.m. No.6119012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9236


Yeah, but why did he have material from the Equadorian embassy? And if the embassy is trying to get him booted out, why not just release all the info as a 'leak'?

The volume and type of this info looks to me like the embassy is completely pwn3d by someone, kek.

Anonymous ID: 772aea April 10, 2019, 4:05 a.m. No.6119115   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The photos of Moreno's family etc. could have been gathered by the same people who pulled this stunt. Objective to get JA out of the embassy.

Just sayin.

Anonymous ID: 772aea April 10, 2019, 4:43 a.m. No.6119339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9342

OK, I don't think this is actually extortion. Watching it again I think they were trying to sell them the documents. Big difference.

If they didn't buy the info, they were going to publish it themselves, ie scoop WL.

Here is a rough transcript of the introduction.

•* Kristinn Hrafnsson

•* Fidel Navas (Equadorian embassy consul up to 2018)

•* Jennifer Robertson (JA lawyer)

(aside: Hrafnsson said at the end there would be a "Q (pause) and A" kek)

Extensive spying op against JA in Equadorian embassy.

Invasion of privacy

Video, photo, audio

Since Moreno, JA living in "Truman show". Likely shared with Trump Admin. Equadorian gov allowed interrogation of diplomats working in embassy, for investigation into WL/JA.

Assumed all info + visitors logs handed over to US.

Sealed indictment revealed late last year.

Waiting for extradition order from UK gov.

Only reason expulsion stopped because WL found out - publicized.

Few weeks ago WL learned individuals in Spain had "massive trove of docs" on JA.

Asked what docs, got email from "PM" asking for 3,000,000 euro. Or they would publish.

Got samples, called Spanish police in. Treating like extortion case, being handled by investigative magistrate.

To me, this does not look like what WL is purporting it to be, which doesn't further my trust in them any (but Hrafnsson smacked down a journo real good, so I kind of like them. It's complicated, kek)

It looks to me like this info was leaked, stolen, or hacked. More likely stolen or hacked since they tried to sell it, but that could be what they want you to think.