Anonymous ID: 5d338d April 10, 2019, 5:49 a.m. No.6119751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9764 >>9768


despite how awesome Jesus Christ is there are many who do not know him. And that were told that He's something awful.


So I suppose that, and this might be obvious to many, talking about Jesus Christ and belief in his resurrection, is considered



does that makes sense?


As a Christian person is that the first thing you mention to people when you meet them?

Do you wear your Christianity on your sleave?

or do you do your alms in private and don't make a display of your 'piety'.

a display of piety is not considered piety.


I had a friend.

she found Jesus.

suddenly whatever she wanted was what God wanted (in her mind).


There is this thing called a 'Strong Delusion'. The road to 'being still and knowing' is not a simple highway .


So the reason to me is obvious:

that is a trigger word for many people


as well as being the name of The Savior, that word triggers people.


Most Jews who I know will not stand to even hear the name discussed in the context of what they should or should not believe.


Really rather simple.


But when you say, as a board rule, to

"Follow the Golden Rule" (and it is a board rule) doesn't that point people in the direction of our Lord and Savior?

Anonymous ID: 5d338d April 10, 2019, 6:07 a.m. No.6119850   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Junkie approaches me on the street in San Francisco. You can just tell that they are, by the way that they act, and how they beg.

Giving her money would have been feeding her addiction.

I gave her prayers. Please pray for the junkiees of San Francisco and coastal california, who are fed-on by the cabal who profiteers off of their presence.


so 'giving' isn't always money.

as a matter of fact if you give money to an alchoholic or junkee then you might just be killing them.


Guy in Boston was a wonderful man.

Mr. Butch.

everyone in Alston knew him.

He was a stinky drunk.

But he was a Vietnam Vet.

I talked to him at length about it.

One day some 'generous' person gave him I think it was a motor scooter.


Mr. Butch was a drunk

He driove his motor bike into a pole and died.

so the 'generousity' of the bike actually ended up being the reason for his demise.

some idiot felt all wonderful for a day.


there are many things to give.

some people are patsees.

Anonymous ID: 5d338d April 10, 2019, 6:16 a.m. No.6119891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9906


Please spare us the fake imagery of the cucks who think that they rule astronomy, and meanwhile have no clue, and self-deal and self promote.


the 'win valuble prizes' aspect of being a doctor of science meant that it became a field for cucks and science has been compromised in very many ways.

these astrophysicist types are mostly just bought and paid for frenz of the powerful, put into place to syphin the reseaerch dollars into the coffers of looters of the public treasuries.

Anonymous ID: 5d338d April 10, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.6120144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


wow what tyranny.

however this is not supposed to be done on this board.



the problem is that he will be attacked and doxed from doing this.