Anonymous ID: 851833 April 10, 2019, 4:56 a.m. No.6119397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9500 >>9817

GOP senators raise concerns about Miller's ascension


Senate Republicans are raising red flags over the purge at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the apparent rise of White House adviser Stephen Miller.


GOP senators are publicly and privately voicing their concerns, praising outgoing secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and questioning the dynamics between Trump’s team of advisers and the embattled agency.


The shakeup at DHS is increasing tensions between Republicans and, in particular, Miller, whose influence appears to be growing. Known for his conservative views and work as a staffer for then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the 33-year-old White House aide is to the right of several Republican senators on immigration.


“I hope that he’s got more voices than that one in his ear on these issues, because, yeah, I think it’s important that he get a whole perspective and range of opinions,” said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Senate Republican.


Pressed on who else the president should also be listening to, Thune added with a chuckle, “Some of them are now gone.”


Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), a member of GOP leadership, said Miller appears to be the “guy behind the curtain.”



Senate Republicans are raising red flags over the purge at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the apparent rise of White House adviser Stephen Miller.


GOP senators are publicly and privately voicing their concerns, praising outgoing secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and questioning the dynamics between Trump’s team of advisers and the embattled agency.


The shakeup at DHS is increasing tensions between Republicans and, in particular, Miller, whose influence appears to be growing. Known for his conservative views and work as a staffer for then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the 33-year-old White House aide is to the right of several Republican senators on immigration.


“I hope that he’s got more voices than that one in his ear on these issues, because, yeah, I think it’s important that he get a whole perspective and range of opinions,” said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Senate Republican.


Pressed on who else the president should also be listening to, Thune added with a chuckle, “Some of them are now gone.”


Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), a member of GOP leadership, said Miller appears to be the “guy behind the curtain.”


“I think what we need is a consistent message because I think there are some voices in the White House who are working counter to that message and particularly creating more problems for the administration by losing senior leadership,” Cornyn said when asked if he had concerns about Miller’s growing influence.


The musical chairs atop DHS, and broader concerns that the department could move further to the right on immigration, isn’t the first time Miller has sparked ire from Senate Republicans. He has had a hand in some of the most controversial policies emanating from the White House.


And before that, while working for Sessions in the Senate, he fought against the 2013 Gang of Eight immigration bill that died in the GOP-controlled House.


Reports that Miller wants to oust Lee Cissna, head of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), are putting him at odds with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). The GOP senator called acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney this week to make the case for keeping Cissna, a former Grassley staffer, and Kathy Nuebel Kovarik, who is head of policy and strategy at USCIS and previously worked for Grassley on the Senate Judiciary Committee.


“I know Cissna well. I know Kathy Kovarik well. They’re qualified people. They are good for the president,” Grassley said. “I heard that they were going to be dismissed and that irritates me.”


Grassley added that he could “be suspicious” of Miller’s intentions; however, he had only heard a “rumor” of Miller’s involvement in further high-level personnel changes at DHS.


But Grassley also questioned Miller's ability to counsel Trump on immigration.


“I don’t know whether he’s been an effective adviser for the president,” Grassley said.

Anonymous ID: 851833 April 10, 2019, 4:59 a.m. No.6119429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9604

FBI Court Docs Reveal Comey’s Memos Contained Classified Information – Including Name of Confidential Source Used Against Trump


Newly released FBI court docs confirm James Comey was indeed a witness in the Mueller investigation and his Trump memos were of interest in the special counsel probe.


“The FBI and the Special Counsel’s office have determined that disclosure of the Comey Memos … could reasonably be expected to adversely affect the pending Russia investigation. The Comey Memos are his contemporaneous notes about incidents that are of interest in that investigation …”


According to the court filing released late Monday, Comey’s memos contained classified information (contrary to Comey’s claims), including the name [redacted] of the confidential source the FBI used against Trump.


The documents also suggest then-FBI Director James Comey began his coup against President Trump because he didn’t like his foreign-policy decisionmaking.


The documents were released as part of a FOIA lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, CNN, USA Today and others against the FBI in an effort to make Comey’s Trump memos public.


A couple weeks ago, US District Judge James Boasberg in Washington ordered the FBI to turn over Comey’s ‘Trump memos’ — both clean and redacted versions by April 1st as he weighed releasing them to the public.


The FBI previously pushed back on March 1st and wrote to Judge Boasberg, an Obama appointee, saying that the memos were still redacted and classified and should remain under seal to avoid interfering with Mueller’s inquisition — Mueller’s witch hunt ended a few weeks ago so the judge asked the FBI to file an opinion about the release of Comey’s memos.


David Archey, the lead FBI investigator for Mueller’s witch hunt told the court that since the special counsel investigation has concluded, portions of Comey’s memos can be released — David Archey informed the court that material from Comey’s memos will continue to remain under seal and redacted.


The FBI will file a further declaration on or before April 15, 2019, to explain why the remaining redactions to the Third Archey Declaration continue to be necessary.




Then-FBI Director James Comey personally signed off on THREE FISA applications to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page — one of the FISA warrants Comey signed off on was after he met with President-elect Trump on January 6th, 2017 (at Trump Tower), with the intent of putting the incoming administration under a cloud of suspicion with an investigation and criminal leaks to the media.


President Trump fired Comey as FBI Director on May 9th, 2017 and Comey immediately went into overdrive to launch a special counsel probe into the president as revenge.


Comey admitted during a Congressional hearing that he gave portions of his memos to a friend to leak to the New York Times in order to prompt a special counsel investigation into President Trump for obstruction of justice.


Within 24 hours of the memo leak to the New York Times, Mueller was appointed as special counsel on May 17th, 2017 — when exactly did Comey share his memos with Robert Mueller?


Now it is confirmed that Comey was a witness in Mueller’s probe… Did Mueller give his buddy Comey immunity?


You can read the full court filing about Comey’s memos here.

Anonymous ID: 851833 April 10, 2019, 5:02 a.m. No.6119458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9464 >>9530

Trump Continues to Prepare the Battlefield


Brian Cates

9-11 minutes


A lot has happened since my last column. Transcripts from the congressional testimonies of three key Spygate participants—Bruce Ohr, Lisa Page, and James Baker—have been made public: two of which were revealed right here on the pages of The Epoch Times. In addition, there’s been several other fascinating developments.


Let’s briefly survey the current state of affairs.


Mueller Coming Up Empty


Special counsel Robert Mueller will be wrapping up his investigation into the 2016 election in the next couple of months, having found no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. And with Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz staring over his shoulder with Page’s and Peter Strzok’s heads hypothetically mounted on the wall behind him, Mueller knows he’s in no position to try to fake anything.


It’s suddenly being reported at places such as ABC News that the usual anonymous sources who’ve spent almost two years furiously leaking about how Mueller has President Donald Trump and his Russian spies exactly where he wants them are suddenly changing their tune and telling their media contacts that perhaps it would be best to begin managing expectations and preparing their audience for something “anti-climactic.”

Desperate Mainstream Media Steps Up Efforts to Save Narrative


That’s why Fusion GPS and other Spygate plotters are desperately seeding the DNC Media Complex including The New York Times, The Daily Beast, and other outlets with absurd stories that don’t stand up to any real scrutiny.


“Manafort snuck in to see Assange 3 times!”


“Cohen phone pinged in Prague!”


Then, in the last few days, we got that cool The New York Times story about how the FBI launched its sting against Trump as retaliation for his firing of James Comey, and a Daily Beast story about how there’s some intelligence report out there about the Russians infiltrating the NRA and Trump’s team.


What are they doing? They’re trying to save a narrative that’s already dead and it’s nothing but sheer desperation. The side doing all that frantic leaking of fake news stories in the fake news media isn’t winning the fight. Far from it.


They are reduced to this pathetic leaking to try to win a useless battle for public support through the mainstream media, now that Trump holds all the winning cards in the public relations battle.


It won’t help though, when the indictments go down and things move to the prosecution phase for them to cry, “Wait, this can’t be happening, look at what Time Magazine said about me, just look at this glowing profile! I’m a hero! I ‘won’ this public relations battle!”


The evidence meticulously collected over the past two years by the DOJ Inspector General’s office and the U.S. Attorneys through their grand juries will figuratively hang them.


This isn’t a public relations battle. The serious-as-a-heart-attack people leading the real investigations into Spygate demonstrate this when, in comparison to the frantic, desperate leaking of fake disinformation by the other side, they remain resolutely silent as they position their forces.


Sun Tzu on Preparing the Battlefield


The ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu wrote in chapter 6 of his timeless book “The Art of War” about how the successful military leader wins a battle before the fight even begins. Trump knows this chapter well because “Art of War” is his favorite book and he fashioned his book “Art of the Deal” after it.


Read/Watch more:

Anonymous ID: 851833 April 10, 2019, 5:07 a.m. No.6119480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9484 >>9486 >>9886 >>9914

First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as “some people who did something”.




Ilhan Omar mentions 9/11 and does not consider it a terrorist attack on the USA by terrorists, instead she refers to it as “Some people did something”, then she goes on to justify the establishment of a terrorist organization (CAIR) on US soil.

Anonymous ID: 851833 April 10, 2019, 5:08 a.m. No.6119486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9518





Crenshaw calls out Omar for describing 9/11 attacks as 'some people did something'


Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar is facing backlash after her speech at a Muslim rights group’s event in which she described the September 11, 2001 terror attacks as “some people did something.”


Omar spoke at a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser last month, where she called upon other Muslim Americans to “make people uncomfortable” with their activism and presence in the society and criticized the Jewish state.




But another part of the speech surfaced on social media earlier this week, in which Omar described the terror attacks perpetrated by al Qaeda.


“CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,” Omar said at the event.


The comments from the Minnesota freshman Democrat, still reeling from a number of anti-Semitic controversies, prompted Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw to slam Omar for her description of the terror attacks.


“First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as 'some people who did something,'” Crenshaw wrote in a tweet. “Unbelievable.”




Others have also jumped on to criticize Omar's language, urging Democrats to condemn her remarks about the largest terror attack on U.S. soil that left nearly 3,000 people dead.


"9/11 terrorists & the terror attacks they conducted are described as simply 'some people did something'? Every Democrat should be asked by the media if they disavow @IlhanMN’s statements. Every one of them," tweeted Andrew Pollack, father of a Parkland high school shooting victim.


"Ilhan Omar isn’t just anti-Semitic – she’s anti-American. Nearly 3,000 Americans lost their lives to Islamic terrorists on 9/11, yet Omar diminishes it as: 'Some people did something.' Democrat leaders need to condemn her brazen display of disrespect," said GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.


CAIR has been infamously listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding of Hamas, stemming from the case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development which led to millions of charitable dollars getting funneled to the Palestinian terrorist organization.


Omar’s speech at CAIR in Southern California drew hundreds of protesters waving Israeli flags and denouncing the congresswoman’s comments about Israel that were perceived as anti-Semitic.


She first came under fire for tweeting in 2012 that “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”


She then drew bipartisan uproar in February after she suggested politicians in the U.S. were bought by AIPAC, a non-partisan organization that seeks to foster the relationship between the U.S. and Israel.


Omar then reignited the controversy, saying groups supportive of Israel were pushing members of Congress to have “allegiance to a foreign country,” echoing the anti-Semitic trope of dual loyalty.