Elizabeth wasn't even supposed to be Queen. Her degenerate Uncle David, King Edward VIII, was too worthless to be King, became infatuated with Wallis Simpson, abdicated, then started chumming up hard with the Nazis. David and Wallis were married in the French chateau of Nazi sympathizer Charles Bedaux, and spent their honeymoon in Austria which included hanging out with Hitler at Berchtesgaden.
Wallis had been a lover of Nazi foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop when he was ambassador to Britain in 1936. He then sent Wallis 17 carnations every day - supposedly the number of times they'd slept together. Some people think Wallis had been giving not just sex, but information, prior to the Nazi invasion of France in 1940.
Imagine what would've happened if Edward VIII had NOT abdicated. The wonder to me is that there aren't statues of Wallis Simpson. Whatever anybody thinks of the Windsors aka Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, they're a better alternative than David and Wallis.
https:// www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/jun/29/research.monarchy
https:// www.amazon.com/17-Carnations-Biggest-Cover-Up-History/dp/1455527106
From one review of Morton's book:
"Chapters 15-17 make up my third segment, which is the real heart of the book. Here Morton tells the fascinating story of how Nazi government files, including some dealing with the Windsors, were discovered at the end of World War II and brought to safety in the British and American occupation zones in Germany. It was intriguing to read of the efforts by British officials to keep the embarrassing details about the Duke's dealings with Hitler and other Nazis from becoming public. As an historian I was saddened to read that some well-known academics were complicit in this campaign to keep the details under lock and key, or even to destroy them. The goal of the cover-up was to avoid embarrassing the Duke and by extension the House of Windsor, but that doesn't excuse it."
When I think of the volumes of evidence and information that were destroyed in the chaos after WWII… man, the loss just burns :(