Cause my ass is sitting on a farm right now and I'm about dead. I can't find hire any workers to come do shit! You can't get normies to get off their ass and come to work because they make more on WELFARE!
Why would they come bust ass so they lose their welfare and fake disability checks, free healthcare, food stamps, housing, and more!
Who in the flying fuck is left to grow food?
Farmers are all old as fuck.
New farmers can't afford to by land/tractors and banks won't make the loans anyways.
I'm all for closing border.
But you better close down welfare too cause nobody left to pick or milk or build.
We all want to sit on our asses in front of a computer and pretend to be important.
10 maybe 20 years….we are mega fucked on food.
No matter how many earthy crunchy I grow my own food videos you watch on youtube will prepare you for real farming.
Outside of mega corp row cropping and herding operations….we's fucked. Unless they build some damn robots to do it.
I guess that's what they'll try to do first cause ain't none of us getting off our ass for $10/hour to work sun up to sun down pulling weeds and pruning trees/vines or milking no damn cows.
Tell me I'm wrong Lieutenant!
But I think we're off the map.