Americans have manufactured a personal prison complex that prevents them from obtaining liberty and freedom for all.
These freedoms and liberty can only be achieved through a paper substance called money.
Your daily slavery keeps you stuck.
The demands for money are so high,
you can never escape.
You can't get ahead.
The working class are stuck in a financial prison.
That's the intent, it's the new concentration camp.
Constantly keeping you prisoner, money is your only freedom.
I want to find the new land!
Where is the new freedom!
Where is the country of liberty!
Where is my country that I was taught in school!
When was I taken hostage in this new prison America!
I want to be able to drive my car, or walk down the street without the cops trying to generate revenue.
A civil war or full disclosure will be the only way to reset the nation.
Whats going to happen is the democrats will steal power because they don't follow the rule of law, and their demons will erode all fail-safes.
Democrat tactics of false flags and their final nuke card is the real end-all they want to play.
We all know it's coming.
That's the only way democrats and deep-state can get total, and maximum control.
Ushering in there environmental fraud form a nuke fallout will be all they need for carbon control.
Once GOVERNMENT becomes the legal mechanism at which it's function is to give you liberty;
truth, justice, and liberty are nowhere to be found.