Anonymous ID: ec5171 April 10, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.6122643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2648 >>2922

Reposting from lb. Extremely valuable interview with member of POTUS 2020 campaign.


Notes on Interview with Tony Shaffer


Part 1/2


Anthony Shaffer (born 1962) is a retired U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel who gained fame for his claims about mishandled intelligence before the September 11 attacks and for the censoring of his book, Operation Dark Heart. He is currently Senior Fellow for the London Center for Policy Research.


  • Things that need to be examined and he has experience. DoD has parallel authority on foreign counter-intelligence. DoD does them and he is familiar with them.


  • EO 12333 foundational doc. Each agency has its own guidelines.


  • Waiver is required by Susan Rice for enhanced domestic collection on individuals.


  • Trump campaign collected on is hard.


  • US citizens targeted by Russians you are obligated to be told.


  • Only way you can not have that done is by a NSC waiver.


  • Everything has to go back to the NSC


  • FBI had door opened for them to do extraordinary bad things.


  • FISA system are very powerful. USG has very powerful tech. Must have very good oversight so power is not abused.


  • Members of FBI knew what they were doing using these tools against domestic political threats.


  • Trump campaign endangering candidacy of HrC.


  1. Use of illegal email server. Unforced error. Still not resolved.


  1. Political forces were challenging her.


  • Two things combined. FBI took a side.


  • At operational level. Comey. Strzock. Mccabe. A decision was made to allow for Intel Officers never permit:


Outside info being used as intel fact.


  • USG must develop info or it is not valid.


  • never take it from oppo research firm. Never done.


  1. Oppo research - it is biased even if factual.


  1. Potential of opening door to info op and deception. Steele and his info was fed to Steele for upending elections. Info was designed to be poison pill. Russians did not take a side.


  • Russians won no matter who became president because of this disruption.


  • If HRC had won they could have undermined her legitimacy. They won no matter what.


  • FBI was completely oblivious.


  • FBI could not have done any of this without Whitehouse opening a door. Waiver NSC.


  • What do we do:


  1. Full Review of FBI Foreign Co-intel Programs.


  • Army does this all the time.


  • DoD should do FULL AUDIT.


  • Probably other issues.


  1. Hold those accountable who broke the law.


  • Title 18 - McCabe has been referred for violation of this title.


  • Comey has violated classified info.


  • Strzok has lied and that is being dealt with right now.


  • UK and foreign intel agencies providing info on Americans. How do we protect?


  • FBI violated laws. US citizens can not deal legally with foreign intel operatives.


  • FBI can spy on you if you are dealing with known foreign intel operative.


  • In this case, FBI was all in on allowing Fusion GPS to move forward.


  • Foreign intel does not have the same interest as the US. They have their own objectives.


  • Calls into question the whole FVEYE model (anon comment).


  • FBI top Brass has been removed. Significant action has been taken but not sufficient.


  • Wray has been reluctant to weed out bad actors.


  • Did not happen overnight. Started with Clintons in the 90s. More lawyers than field operatives.


  • He has been operative his whole life. Little tolerance for analysts that want to be in charge of operations.


  • Parallel happens in DOJ and FBI.


  • Lawyers can not be in charge. Politicize the operations as opposed to allowing them run full extent.


  • FBI people are focused on legality instead of success.


  • Lisa Page texts revealed indicate that FBI was trying to cut a deal with the State Department around emails on Weiner laptop. PAYOLA.


  • Lawyers coming in and managing the process.


  • Doesn't think Wray will drain the swamp. Wray has no interest in cutting out the cancer.

Anonymous ID: ec5171 April 10, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6122826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2886



Regarding Anthony Shaffer's book Operation Darkheart.


The most commonly repeated “redaction” in Operation Dark Heart is the author’s cover name, “Christopher Stryker,” that he used while serving in Afghanistan. Probably the second most common redactions are references to the National Security Agency, its heaquarters location at Fort Meade, Maryland, the familiar abbreviation SIGINT (referring to “signals intelligence”), and offhand remarks like “Guys on phones were always great sources of intel,” which is blacked out on the bottom of page 56.



Anonymous ID: ec5171 April 10, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.6123186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3287 >>3334

Further dig on Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer.


During interview he calls for another 9/11 investigation.

Says Obama created ISIS when weapons flowed from Benghazi to Syria through Turkey.

Says question everything.

Says Awan brothers were selling info to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Making unholy alliances with criminal underground.

Child Sex Trafficking

Child sex trafficking under reported.

Arwan linked to pedo-crisis.

unraveling little by little.

Eyes on Anons

What this dude thinks of Wray shouldn't matter.

He's laying out our narrative was an operator for 25 years and is and adviser to POTUS.

Anonymous ID: ec5171 April 10, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6123287   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Later in the interview:


Friends with Flynn.

Questions HR McMaster.

Says 9/11 commission was a fraud.

Frens, very positive in regards to 9/11 coming to light down the road.