I can comprehend a massive global conspiracy but I can’t comprehend how Greg Guttfield has a show. Cover something truthfully you fucking bitch.
Leftists going INSANE on twitter. Threatening violence at this point if you even say anything that’s not hysteria. They are losing it folks.
Not really. They cover the leftist narrative thoroughly all day long. Fox News has Guttfield who acts like an idiot and doesn’t cover anything meaningful. That’s why we get our ass kicked in narrative all the time because we have all idiots on Fox. It’s setup that way so the real Americans don’t have a voice. Dipshit.
I know. It’s so insane. They don’t even understand that Russia collusion was a total fabricated lie from the start and there was never evidence. But to them, they are getting all worked up and about to “take the streets” because they legitimately think this is just Trump starting fascist rule by removing their heroes. Only thing Q got totally wrong is how utterly retarded most of the American public has become.
I know. I just feel like the left kicks our ass in propaganda and it’s why so many people are brainwashed to such a severe degree. Fox is horrible at propaganda compared to the left outlets.
left going bonkers!
Barr is “Trump Lackey”
Spying by FBI/DOJ is made up to bring in fascism? ACCUSING Trump of coup now
Release full Mueller report (it’s a cover up)
Trumps tax returns have troves of evidence of crimes (even though he was cleared in 20+ audits and many under Obama administration)
These people are way beyond even basic logical thinking. That’s how the cabal controls them. They run purely on emotion.
Schumer said don’t mess with the intellgence community they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. Well what happened Chuck? They seem pretty fucked right about now.