Anonymous ID: dd0333 April 10, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.6128961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9006 >>9071 >>9082 >>9109 >>9113 >>9153 >>9159 >>9187 >>9245 >>9426 >>9543

So, here's the latest from former CIA station chief for Afghanistan (and patriot) Michael Scheuer on Trump and America's enemies (as he sees them)



I have no definitive answer, but I do have a speculation. The blazing hatred for Trump from Nadler, Schiff, Bloomberg, Wasserman-Schultz, Kristol, Durbin, Finestein, and so many other leading Jewish-Americans in politics, the media, the academy, and Hollywood could well mean that these creatures believe Trump will ultimately stop his slow application of an America First foreign and military policy by lethally turning on his, America First’s, and the republic’s greatest domestic enemies, of which there are five main groupings.


The first four are (a) the mid- and senior-levels of the federal bureaucracy, (b) the Democratic Party, (c) the academy, and (d) almost all of the media. The federal bureaucracy is already being culled of its richly verminous manpower – note the panic of Brennan, et. al — and the pace of that delightful process seems ready to pick up considerably. The Democratic Party is being destroyed by its socialist majority, and before long many dozens of its leaders will be facing the splendid pain inherent in the coming return of equal treatment under the law. No longer immune from the law that applies to all other Americans, these Democratic grandees will be humiliated, incarcerated, and forever vilified. The academy, too, will soon be imploding as a consequence of the 1st Amendment being restored to campuses. The academy’s hoard of two-bit, badly educated professors will confront the end of their courses on righteous feminism, anti-American U.S. history, gender studies, statue destruction, Antifa-sanctifying, the glories of sexual deviance, pedophilia, multiculturalism, and diversity, and a host of other useless topics once classrooms are again open to students who know these subjects are worthless and can be debated into oblivion by a bit of commonsense and the 1st Amendment’s ironclad protections. Not much needs to be said about the media. These Bloomsbury-like, faux intellectuals and sexually-uncertain weaklings have destroyed their own credibility, and will, if there is any justice, drown in the stinking cesspool they created and call home, all the while shrieking about Russian interference.


The republic’s fifth lethal enemy, unsurprisingly, is much of the country’s Jewish-American community and the state of Israel. It seems ridiculous to have to try to persuade Americans of this reality, especially after they have seen the Congress vote near unanimously to try to remove 1st Amendment protections from a sitting, though reprehensible and dumb as a rock, congresswoman, and, again, near unanimously vote to give $38 billion to Israel. This rare unanimity comes at a time when the Congress cannot muster enough votes to fund relief for 16 million malnourished American children, for preventing infanticide, for restoring U.S. sovereignty, for stopping the inflow across open borders of fentanyl, heroin, pedophiles, MS-13 gangsters, women for forced prostitution, criminals, and young children for the pleasure of pedophiles.


Why would the 1st Amendment be mangled and $38 billion given to Israel by massive congressional majorities, while solutions for America’s most serious and pressing problems cannot be passed? The answer: Jewish-Americans own the U.S. Congress and command majorities in both houses whenever they demand them. Their motto is “Everything for Israel, let Americans be killed, raped, starved, and addicted”.


But, if my hunch is correct, President Trump knows the depth, breadth, and power of these corrupting Jewish-American Israel Firsters. He surely also knows the enormous range of anti-American espionage operations – from suborning U.S. citizens to spy for Israel, to the theft of our intellectual property and technology – conducted by Israel’s intelligence services, with help from Israel-First U.S. citizens and some federal servants at all levels. If you will recall, when the fake FBI-DOJ Russian investigation began to unravel, the media reported that members of Israel’s diplomatic and intelligence services were involved in anti-Trump operations with the British, Australian, and Italian services. The reported Israeli role in the attempted coup has long-since disappeared from the media and, as far as I could find, the White House has never mentioned it.


Much, much moar at sauce, and in this anons opinion, a must read