Anonymous ID: 2b2e40 April 10, 2019, 8:49 p.m. No.6130513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0581 >>0601 >>0636


The saddest thing about this, the Q phenomenon, DJT's win in 2016, the whole Russia collusion hoax witch hunt,the actual crimes committed by the Clintons for at least three decades is that people like me anons, real everyday people that are working raising their kids, going to church would never behave like these so called Dem Senators are behaving….its like an alternate universe in DC and on the News Media….even people who don't like POTUS are not this vitriolic they just have their reasons…and those who support him just do…and they go on with living….Its all so real and then I come here and there is constant attacks, shills always weaving doubt into the Q movement making comments about how POTUS has failed….and like the the retarded Dem Senators…they think that talking a narrative makes it true or makes people believe you….


I don't know anons, I am almost 100% sure that there are a hell of alot more patriots out there than left loons…..

Sorry for the long post….just reflecting since I got here in Jan of 2018…