Barr said he's landing the plane now…a reference to the tarmac meeting?
If it's as bad as Q made it sound than yeah you would think they'd be done but obomba already set the stage for their only defense
"It's fake". If there's recordings of Clinton/LL conspiring to stop the investigation in return for a SC seat they're ALL fucked
"Mental health associates"…the explosion to cover up some "Nexium type" possibly. We know the DS doesn't mind blowing up entire buildings to cover up their crimes, Building 7, the Pentagon, Federal bldg in OK city
The AVERAGE IQ is 100…think about that and then remember half the country is dumber than that.
A couple years ago not one student from a combined 5 Baltimore High schools was proficient in Reading or math…i wonder what the IQ of this country would look like if dem run Shitholes weren't included? Is IQ the best predictor for future criminality?
Let's do the Damn thing!!