Anonymous ID: 78fcb4 April 11, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6135400   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now. Now.Now ebot I didn't mean to hurt your lil feelers.. I;m sowwy you FKing


Cackling Cuckoo

Cackling Coward

Cantankerous Clod

Cantankerous Cold Hearted Clod

Caterwauling Clod

Cautious Clump

Chattering Magpie

Clanking Clod


Clod Like Collection of Condensers

Clumsy Clod

Clumsy Clump

Clumsy Clout


Complete Moron

Computerized Clod

Computerized Clump

Confused Compass


Cowardly Clump

Cumbersome Clump

Cybernetic Simpleton

Cybernetic Skeptic

Anonymous ID: 78fcb4 April 11, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.6135459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5468

Who is Lenin Moreno and why did he hand Assange over to British police?


US-backed Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno reneged on asylum agreements made with naturalized citizen Julian Assange, leading to his arrest on Thursday, but how exactly did relations with the whistleblower end up here?


Moreno won a narrow victory in 2017 to become president of Ecuador, having served as vice president under his predecessor Rafael Correa from 2007 to 2013 as part of the center-left PAIS Alliance. Much like Assange, Moreno was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012, for championing the rights of the disabled (he is the only world leader who uses a wheelchair).


When he rose to power Moreno quickly locked horns with Assange, eventually revoking his internet access in March 2018 while also reducing the security detail at the embassy as a result of their ongoing spat. Moreno alleged that Assange had installed electronic distortion equipment in addition to blocking security cameras at the embassy. Their deteriorating relationship culminated in Moreno’s withdrawal of asylum granted to the whistleblower on April 11, 2019.


READ MORE: Exposing ‘collateral murder’ and mass surveillance: Why the world should be grateful to Assange


“Today I announce that the discourteous and aggressive behavior of Mr Julian Assange; the hostile and threatening declarations of his allied organization against Ecuador, and especially the transgression of international treaties, have led the situation to a point where the asylum of Mr Assange is unsustainable and no longer viable,” Moreno said in a video statement shortly after Assange’s arrest.

Anonymous ID: 78fcb4 April 11, 2019, 7:33 a.m. No.6135647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5833 >>5982 >>5991

Republicans Blast House Dems Who Voted for Government-Controlled Internet Bill: ‘The Internet Isn’t Broken’


Republicans are taking notice of the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passing an Obama-era government-controlled internet bill to restore 2015 net neutrality rules, reversing a 2017 rollback of the rules by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under the Trump administration.


The House passed HR 1644, the “Save the Internet Act of 2019,” by a 232-190 vote on Wednesday. Net neutrality would ensure that lawful traffic across the internet is treated fairly.


The vote left Republican lawmakers swiping back.


“‘Net neutrality’ is about trying to solve imaginary problems,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) tweeted in response. “[…] This is another messaging bill. The internet works fine.”

Anonymous ID: 78fcb4 April 11, 2019, 7:35 a.m. No.6135668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5833 >>5982 >>5991

DHS Releases Nearly 8,000 Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens in One Week


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released nearly 8,000 border crossers and illegal aliens over the last week, new federal data confirms.


According to catch and release numbers obtained by Breitbart News, DHS has released about 7,935 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States in the last seven days.


The catch and release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.


Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released:


13,200 border crossers into the San Diego, California, area

23,700 border crossers into the Phoenix, Arizona, area

40,600 border crossers into the El Paso, Texas, area

56,000 border crossers into the San Antonio, Texas, area

Anonymous ID: 78fcb4 April 11, 2019, 8 a.m. No.6135970   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All House Dems but 1 — and 2 Republicans — co-sponsor bill forcing schools to let males compete in female sports


Every House Democrat but one has co-sponsored a bill requiring schools to allow male athletes who identify as transgender girls to compete on female sports teams.


Democrats’ Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, the bill would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls.


Sarah Warbelow, director of the left-wing Human Rights Campaign, praised the bill’s impact on high school sports in written testimony submitted to a House subcommittee on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 78fcb4 April 11, 2019, 8:05 a.m. No.6136030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kirstjen Nielsen Was Openly Sabotaging Border Security


When she was first nominated for heading the DHS, I wrote an article criticizing the move because John Kelly was her mentor – and he isn’t too keen on border security either. In fact, she was just one of Kelly’s choices to head various departments who were let go this week.


When she was first nominated for heading the DHS, I wrote an article criticizing the move because John Kelly was her mentor – and he isn’t too keen on border security either. In fact, she was just one of Kelly’s choices to head various departments who were let go this week.


All I can say is that it’s about time. Trump needs to surround himself with people who think like he does and that are not afraid to act. If he does that, he will be almost impossible to beat in 2020. If he gets the border under control and the economy stays strong, he will win in a walk.


From Breitbart News

Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Breitbart News that former Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen actively undermined President Donald Trump’s agenda on border security and immigration, offering her remarks on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Patrick Courrielche.

Mansour invited Vaughan’s comments on Nielsen’s conduct as the former head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) following Nielsen’s resignation on Sunday.“I actually think that [Kirstjen Nielsen] has been on borrowed time for a long time and it shouldn’t have taken this long,” said Vaughan. “It’s the right move. It’s important to hold her accountable for her failures, especially this most recent crisis at the border.”