Fake Jews, Fake representations, Fake links & Low IQs.
It's amazing how all you Talmudic Zionist Israeli-first Criminal kikes will Never Stop Lying.
You guys truly are the scum of the Earth & I eagerly await your fate.
Fake Jews, Fake representations, Fake links & Low IQs.
It's amazing how all you Talmudic Zionist Israeli-first Criminal kikes will Never Stop Lying.
You guys truly are the scum of the Earth & I eagerly await your fate.
"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL (1:29)
ADL-Censoring.mp4 (3.88 MB)
JIDF Workers Change Internet Content! (2:03)
They edit Wiki-jew-pedia to reflect their BS Zionist values.
JIDF-Censoring.mp4 (3.88 MB)
JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force): READ FULL DESCRIPTION: As many of you may have suspected, Israel is paying and training internet bloggers to delete, rewrite, and revise internet content to shape public opinion to Israel's benefit. Video of the Israeli-sponsored training programs have been leaked to the web (like the video here).
Additionally, investigative reporters that infiltrated these groups have reported that Israelis are being trained to spread disinformation and to try to create conflicts among different religious, racial, and ethnic groups if it would benefit Israel. Some of the seminars also encouraged the workers to spread disinformation on the internet and to attempt to recruit free (unpaid) labor. For example, many of these bloggers have been trained to attempt to make friends with you by pretending that they share an interest in your favorite sports team or movie, or that they went to the same school, but they will ultimately try to recruit you to attack other groups or individuals that Israel thinks is against its national interests (e.g., 'Muslims,' 'Russians,' 'Germans,' 'Latinos,' 'United Nations representatives' and 'human rights groups'). Others have been trained to personally attack, stalk, and harass anyone personally that does not agree with Israel. Not only is this type of behavior a terrible injustice to the accuracy of content (it's actually state-sponsored propaganda), it is also damaging to the public trust because people are being misguided into working as unpaid servants of a government through false pretenses. People really should speak out about this.
Oops, corrected: JIDF-Censoring.mp4 (4.46 MB)
Oh the irony, …and such typical pure JEWISH BULLSHIT !!! Jews trying to silence a discussion about Jews silencing Palestinian points of view. The judge cannot allow it or he'd out himself as an unconstitutional enemy of the state. And Umass has to play ball w/free speech or they'll lose federal assistance. By suing, they have essentially ceded any debate, and fully validated all Palestinian claims. They don't seem like they have higher IQs to me.
A group of Orthodox Jews censor a movie on an airliner (0:43) - jews-censor-movie.mp4 (1.92 MB)
A group of Orthodox Jews from the Hasidic movement censor a film on an airliner by covering all the screens with sheets. The Hasidim have a suspicious relationship to the ideological and technical modernity. While some aspects of technical modernity are well accepted, others are rejected, such as television, especially when it broadcasts sexual images or anything they considered indecent.
YouTube Censors Anything About Jews (0:26)
JouTube-Censoring.mp4 (0.98 MB)
Faceberg, another example of Jewish Censorship (0:53)
facebook-censoring.mp4 (2.38 MB)
Truth Video Re-Up: Jews Censor Videos to Protect Pedophiles (2:27)
Banned video: share & reupload. - censoring-4-pedos.mp4 (6.21 MB)
Jew's lack of conscience allows them to pray without remorse.
They have been our misfortune throughout history.
It doesn't take much research for one to quickly come to this realization.
Jewish Talk Show Host Michael Savage Triggered by Nazi Caller about International (2:16)
Banned video: Yet another example of Jewish hypocrisy.
jewish-michael-savage.mp4 (5.44 MB)
HRC's Weapons Ban Cohencidence (0:22) - Cohencidence.mp4 (1.11 MB)
Where's the Money Lebowski (0:14) - wheres-the-money.mp4 (1.12 MB)
That clip was the first time I ever heard of Michael Savage, I take it he's a conservative talk show host? I'll check him out sometime (on your recommendation only tho). He may be a good Jew, but that was sure a Jew move in that clip cutting off a legitimate point in the exact same fashion he just condemned 2 weeks prior.
I used to like WMAL's Larry O'Connor until I heard him say people who hate Jews are evil & the enemy of the world. (?!?) Then I heard Mark Levin air his thoughts about evil antisemites & how great our most wonderful ally Israel was. (?!?) Then I realized conservative talk radio was controlled opposition, and that both the right & left wings were indeed part of the same (((bird))). Hell, now they even have Jew boy Shapiro, the fast talking car salesman.
So the truth stays well concealed in the interests of world Jewry, and politics serves it's purpose, to keep the sleeping masses divided. I still like listening to Rush & Chris Plant, but it's not the same as before knowing they have a red line they CANNOT cross. Altho I notice they both have those over inflated egos too similar to the Hollywood egos & how Jews consider themselves to be gods.
So if congress & teachers have to sign loyalty pledges to Israel, you know damn well any talk show host on a nationally syndicated radio program has to sign one too, and not in fine print either. They probably have to sign a separate one, in blood, swearing that they will kill any & all discussion of (((they))) who sign their paychecks.
I actually called in & talked to Larry O'Connor on air back in 2016 regarding the polarization of the country. We were having a good convo until I was cut off, it seems he wanted to know less of my thoughts & more just single topics for him to comment on. It's their show after all & it's about marketing them. I just wish there were such a things as Free Speech, a Free Press and real talk shows with honest open dialog. 1st pic related, others just for the goy fun of it :)
Ted Gunderson speech before his murder (10:48) - (Exposing FBI corruption)
Free d/l: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=brmeFt4ZuYQ
JohnDrakeMI6: I am former U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Customs and a whistle-blower and I met and knew Ted Gunderson since about 1995 and I also worked on some cases with Ted and Confirmed Internal Corruption and am very knowledgeable of Ted and his Integrity.We knew other whistle-blowers with outstanding law enforcement backgrounds. Ted used to tell me I was "his Hero". What a great Honor to hear that from Ted.
I talked to Ted just a week or so BEFORE he died or was killed. According to what I was told by Family is that Ted was given an over dose of Propofol and/or Fentanyl which can slow down the Heart to dangerous levels. I also heard Ted had 3 Heart attacks on the table and Doctors FAILED to resuscitate Ted. I am not sure if the finger nails indicated a dark color which indicates Arsenic or other poisoning. We also lost Gary Webb (a friend of mine too) and Mike Ruppert (LAPD) who also used to talk about the CIA and their involvement in Drug Smuggling which I can concur as well.
I too have had DEATH THREATS and I need support as I am on Social Security and no "retirement/Pension." This is what they do to Whistle-blowers and I've still NOT heard from President Trump or Staff yet. The PEOPLE need to know what is going on and we are at WAR with Left Wing Socialists-Communists Democrats. Contact me at: john.a.carman@gmail.com - www.customscorruption.com