Let me go, I have to shut it down! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! (1:08)
Let-me-go-Ahhh.mp4 (6.0 MB)
Let me go, I have to shut it down! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! (1:08)
Let-me-go-Ahhh.mp4 (6.0 MB)
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Palestinian Christians under Israeli occupation speak out
Free download: 360p mp4 (13.9 MB), 360p webm (18.7 MB), 720p mp4 (28.6 MB)
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URL: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=kYWCpOHiNjk
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Which side are you on goyim? (0:58)
Free download - MP4 File (2.5 MB):
Notre Dame Fire - Happy Muslims, Dancing Israelis clip hasn't surfaced yet.
Tue 16 Apr:
Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque Fire Burns at the Same Time As Flames Engulf Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. "News of the incident at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam and central to the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict, was largely overshadowed by a much larger blaze engulfing the Notre Dame Cathedral at the same time. There was no evidence of any link between the two fires." - https://www.newsweek.com/notre-dame-fire-aqsa-mosque-1397259
@westland_will: The destruction of Notre Dame is just a preview of things to come in the West. As western civilization collapses due to diversity, our great cultural landmarks and icons will fall either through neglect or on purpose to combat the legacy of whiteness.
@TheRightMelissa: This is a metaphor for what could be the fall of Western Civilization in France & Europe. Globalist interests powered by the EU opened up Europe’s borders & allowed millions of migrants to pour in. It is said by 2045 France will be majority Muslim governed by Sharia Law. Wake up America.
Mon 15 Apr:
It is Holy Week for Catholics & Christians. The fire began at 6:30pm I'm not familiar with French Construction but I'm going to assume they don't work at 6:30pm. This is NOT AN ACCIDENT. - https://twitter.com/SayWhenLA/status/1117881937211748352
10 Catholic Churches have been vandalized in France this month. - https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1102958/christian-persecution-france-catholic-church-christianity-religion-edouard-phillipe-isis
@ButInReality: The "holy war" has always been against Christians and Christianity yet people don't seem to notice the writing all over the walls, everywhere, in every country. Christians naively love all thy neighbors, whereas Muslims and Jews covertly hate Christians to death, especially white ones. Wake up goyim, you're under siege.
Just two weeks ago this church in France burned too. - https://twitter.com/Tiff_FitzHenry/status/1117857035746304000
Satanic Symbols, Smashed Statues Mark Rise in Church Attacks - https://www.charismanews.com/world/75802-satanic-symbols-smashed-statues-mark-rise-in-church-attacks
@SayWhenLA: Over 1000 churches were desecrated in France in one way or another in last year. This does not lead automatically to the conclusion that in this case "someone did something". But it is a fact that no one wants to hear. In Germany you can't even get #'s. No one talks about it.
This is a bit off. Why are these two men smiling? - https://twitter.com/Fuctupmind/status/1117895528535035904
@ ButInReality: Happy Muslims and I'm sure the "Dancing Israelis" are somewhere. Watch the gov. try to put a Mosque in it's place.
@SayWhenLA: Most famous Christian church burns to the ground during the holiest week for Christians right as Macron was supposed to give a nationwide speech to address the ongoing protests across France not happy with his leadership & globalist ways. This was probably just a botched robbery.
@krissieowens: Fox News’ Shep Smith was cutting off an eyewitness, now Cavutto doing the same. Can’t have us thinking for ourselves, now can they? "We will TELL you what you are witnessing." Translation: "Don’t step on our narrative."
Shep Smith Fox news shuts down French elected official Philippe Karsenty. (0:45 - scroll up for spire falling & down for more too) - https://twitter.com/AuthorCClerk/status/1117860181747077121
"It actually took fire engines about 2 hours to arrive and it's not quite known yet what took so long." - All you need to know. - https://twitter.com/michaelbeatty3/status/1117912923014193152
Israel: Police arrest 28 ultra-Orthodox Jews at anti-conscription protest
"Get 'em boys! This place is infested."
>>6205889 Chameleons, the evil hides in plain sight. Like Hollywood, everything's an act and lying is second nature.
>>6207897 Thx, I enjoyed the first 1/2 hr, I'll finish it tomorrow.
If you like it, grab a copy for your files. JouTube's prone to scrub the good ones.
If file size is a concern, you can fit 3 files this size on a CD,
or a thumb drive is vast & portable so you can give them (d/l) to friends when you visit.
The Biggest Lie - David Irving (1:53:51) (Start at 11 minutes)
Free download, 360p mp4 file (229 MB):
(I didn't embed, 11 min. would be too hard to find on a tiny progress bar)
Jewish boy against Israel is arrested in Jerusalem (2:45)
A young American Jew calls on Israel and the world to end the illegal occupation. He is brutally arrested by the police for wearing a Palestinian flag. What he does is truly courageous and inspiring.
His name is Lucas Koerner from the Mount Airy section of Philadelphia and he talks about being seriously roughed up and arrested by Israeli police as seen in the video here during a trip with a peace group to Israel. He was subsequently jailed for two days for peacefully protesting the annual Jerusalem Day parade which celebrates Israel's capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Mideast War. Koerner reports that this was the first time that the parade was deliberately winding its way through an Arab neighborhood.
Lucas was held in detention for two days. The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court denied a police request to extend his remand; at the advice of his lawyer and family, the youth left the country after being released.
Anti-Israel-Jew-Arrested.mp4 (13.3 MB)