Anonymous ID: 160e81 April 11, 2019, 8:56 a.m. No.6136645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6653

Pelosi berates the press: 'You guys have it all wrong' about Democrats


LEESBURG, Va. — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi chastised Capitol Hill reporters for recent stories that chronicled a split in the party over how to set federal spending levels. “You guys have it all wrong,” Pelosi, D-Calif., said as she exited a sit-down with the press at the Democrat’s annual issues retreat in suburban Washington. “We are a unified caucus.”


Pelosi accused reporters of sticking to an inaccurate, but exciting story line. “It serves your purpose to say we are seething,” Pelosi said. “But we are right on track to serve the American people.”


Earlier this week, Pelosi abandoned plans to take up a bill to raise spending caps imposed under the 2011 Budget Control Act. Democrats pulled the measure off the floor when lawmakers in their progressive wing pledged opposition unless domestic spending numbers were increased significantly.


Some of the more moderate Democrats said the spending was simply too high. The divide meant the party would lack the simple majority needed to pass the bill, usually around 218 votes. But Pelosi pointed out to reporters the party at least agreed to set levels for lawmakers to finish appropriations bills through a procedural floor vote. Earlier Thursday, Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., blamed the differences on “a heterogeneous caucus that represents the gorgeous mosaic of the American people.” Jeffries said the party has to “work through” all legislation to get the needed 218 votes “given the broad diversity of our caucus.”