Anonymous ID: 528aa3 April 11, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.6136319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interview from Feb 16, 2019. Posting some specific points that I did not know but entire interview is good.


Shocking Use of FISA by Obama's FBI to Spy on Trump Campaign - Exclusive with Tony Shaffer (29:19)


Tony Shaffer - acting president of the London Center for Policy Research. He served as a lieutenant colonel in the US Army where he was a senior intelligence officer. He's also a member of the Trump 2020 advisory board.


Susan Rice had to sign a waiver to allow domestic foreign counter-intelligence on the Trump campaign

"Within the context of the FBI doing domestic foreign counterintelligence, especially on political campaigns, a waiver is required by the National Security Council, in this case Susan Rice, to allow for enhanced domestic collection on individuals. That is to say that to have the Trump campaign collected on is extraordinarily hard because in most circumstances a US citizen, if you're a US citizen and you're being targeted by the Russians you are obligated to be told, the FBI is obligated to tell you you're a target because you've done nothing wrong, you're a US citizen. The only way you can not have that done is by a waiver at the National Security Council. So, everything starts, everything we're talking about, in some form, goes back to the National Security Council because those waivers had to be granted." (2:20 - 3:17)


"Again, let me emphasize this again, they could not have done all of these things, especially not telling Trump about the fact that there was a perception that he was being collected against, if not for the White House opening the door for them to do all this because of this waiver." (7:56 - 8:09)


Strzok lied to Congress at least three times, it's being dealt with

"We know that Comey compromised classified information. We know Strzok for a fact has lied before Congress at least three times. I've talked to members of Congress about the conflicts between what he said in closed session versus what he said in open session, that's something that's being dealt with right now." (11:44 - 12:01)


When asked about Christopher Wray - Swamp

"I think he is a member of the swamp. I think, based on his actions to date, that he has done what he can to stop the bleeding but he has no interest in cutting out the cancer." (18:00 - 18:29)


When asked about the Clinton emails - Peter Strzok was briefed three times that the emails were being sent to a third party

"So within this very deep metadata review the odni IG discovered that every email, except for like seven, were being sent to a third party. That third party was apparently, I'm told, a business that is in Manassas, Virginia and that business was owned or is owned by the Chinese intelligence service and there was a drop at this place and then it was sent off to Chicago, is what I was briefed, and what's significant about this is not so much that I know, it's the fact that according to the odni IG, Peter Strzok, the guy in charge of the Clinton email investigation within the FBI, was briefed on this three times." (20:00 - 20:41)


When asked about national security implications - Jim Clapper said he didn't want to do a damage assessment

"By law, anytime you have a compromise like this, of information to a foreign intelligence threat, you have to do an evaluation of what damage was done. Jim Clapper, when he was odni, was asked about why haven't you done a damage assessment and he said, I just don't want to do it." (21:38 -22:14)