The anons who attack other anons simply for questioning Trump/Q/current events are awful. Real simpletons and I suspect, former dopes in chains followers looking for a new god since QueerBarry failed. Anons who waste bread attacking other anons contribute nothing to the board and drive people off, I’d bet.
So does this push back the time frame for when Mikey and Mikey are going to take down POTUS?
This is Assanges route to freedom.
Barr answers a simple question, the demoncrats go full triggered.
CIA should be dismantled and put back under Army where it belongs. It’s unlawful from its inception. Bad.
The Buckley-Vidal debates were amusing.
Bye OPMlicia.
As of when? The case is a year old.
Will the feds shake him down for info on Barry like they did Mikey Cohen about Trump?
That’s how MEXICo will pay for the wall, we just have to build it first to get the bill correct.
Stick a fork in him.
YEAh, Q could have finally had an accurate prediction. Instead, read muh FoxNEWS article. Yawn.
I did but I haven’t heard of any firings.
24 cops to arrest 1 unarmed guy no doubt. Cops are fucking useless, they should all KTS.
Find alternative natural treatments.
Maybe he’ll be used as bait.
It’s more like 15%. Q hasn’t been correct about hardly anything, including that.
And lock her up.