Anonymous ID: c16513 April 11, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.6137909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7983 >>8030

>>6136869 lb


Alternative theory:


> JA hates the US

> CM and JA conspire to hack DOD Databases and publish classified material, putting soldiers in harms way and violating trust of allies

> Don't forget JA called Trump a racist Dog Whistle

> CM fucking hates Trump

> JA heard talking shit about Trump Administration while being arrested



Think deep here. The DNC knew they were going to lose to Trump. They went balls to the walls ballistic on Trump with the Media completely dropping any semblance of partiality during the election. Full blown PANIC. So what are they going to do if they know they're going to lose? Set up the trap, the landmines.


Leak Podesta's emails, but clean most of the shit up (they fucked up with the pizzagate keywords but their damage control squad took care of that conspiracy in the eyes of the lemmings anyway). That's why you don't see any KILLER bombshells in there, but enough controversial shit there to fuel the pro-trump crowd, such as being cozy with Journalists. Is that really a big leak? I mean, we all know they are, now we have an official list of it too.. yay… a couple of cryptic notes about funds to Bill Clinton sure.. some stuff on Chelsea's wedding, ouch.. maybe a weird one they forgot to delete about Scalia and Wetworks (I think this one is a huge mistake)…


Anyway, leak those emails, then get their buddies Crowdstrike to examine NOT HACKED servers, have THEIR FBI rubber stamp Crowdstrike. Trump wins, of course. Hillary may not have been fully in the loop by the way, her emotions had to seem as real as possible. Now insurance policy goes in full force. Obama kicks out the Russian diplomats. Steel Dossier is leaked. Comey fired because he's dicking around with Trump. Mueller eventually hired to find Russian Cullusion, which should have been easy to find.


But they never contact Wikileaks. They never pull in JA. The very eye of the storm, the strongest evidence for collusion in the universe, they don't examine?! They don't take another look at the Crowdstrike servers? Seriously? Why? Because they KNOW JA was working WITH THEM to take down Trump! Holy hell, what?! JA wanted Trump to FUCKING LOSE. The last thing JA wants is Trump to restore America's dominance in Trade and Military in the world. Ya, Hillary joked about Droning him, but the Clintons get killed who they want to get killed, yet he's still alive?


Q's told us that Mueller Report has to drop first. Then IG and then Huber. We haven't seen the MR report yet, but Barr's summary indicates that the MR states that Russians hacked the DNC. Big fuck up. Now we're dragging Assange's America hating ass back to America where he's going to be forced to admit indeed that his source isn't Russia but….who? Maybe Seth Rich? But if so, Seth Rich was set up as a pawn, a sacrifice, a patsy that had to be killed afterwards. He can be the ultimate example to any REAL leakers to NOT FUCK WITH THE DNC since the DNC controls the MSM and the MS(M=13).


Just a theory

Anonymous ID: c16513 April 11, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6137983   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Of course, Trump and Q knew they were being set up early on. The best way to take control of the DNC's game theoried plan, is to do their own take. First you must play along. Give them what they didn't expect but would love to have:






Man, those DNC fools couldn't have game planned Trump being SO STUPID, right? Even more ammo to use against him later, right? Except, what's really happening is Trump was taking back control of the narrative.


And here he is today: Wikileaks? I don't even know them. Bye Felicity.


Hahah, Julian Assange is FUCKED

Anonymous ID: c16513 April 11, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6138213   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Did you even read what I wrote?


Podesta's emails were washed pretty good, but a few things slipped through the filter. They had to leave some embarrassing dirt in there to make sure the email leak looks legit.


Proof? There are SO MANY missing emails