Anonymous ID: 594a33 April 11, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6138891   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6137777 /lb

>>6137480 /pb

NO-TABLES for Prayer Warriors ONLY.


>>6134801 /pb


REDpill XtraStrength !!

Prayers, Prayer Warriors, Respect & Trembling before the Creator + HIS Son;

for QAnons, Patriots, and ALL Guardians and Protection Requested on seeking TRUTH;


<pic of PDF of Oc-cult Schedule. Dates, Type, Ceremony{NOT!}


->1st look possible as 2018 as dates line as noted further below:


!NOTE: [[[ is_RA_el ]]] does not mean, occurs in.



<pic 2018 [[[ Is_RA_el] ]] Calendar {legend at bottom of pic: NEW Moon April 16, 2018; matches to PDF}


->diggs needed for Missing Persons, Kidnappings from 19th - 25th {25th sacrifice night, female, any age},

=check Coroner/Gruesome reports sync to this date April 25th, 2018


->FULL Moon on April 29, 2018 {30th sacrifice, female, specific age 1-25}

=check Coroner/Gruesome reports sync to this date April 30th, 2018.



<pic 2019 [[[ Is_RA_el ]]] Calendar {legend at bottom of pic: NEW Moon April 5, 2018}

->EYES ON for Missing Persons, Kidnappings from 8th - 15th {15th sacrifice night, female poss. child};

SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING [take a picture and/or video only when safe to do so]


->FULL Moon {MARTIAL LAW req'd?} on April 19, 2018 {20th sacrifice, female, specific age 1-25}

=>EYES ON, check Coroner/Gruesome reports sync to this date April 20th, 2018

SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING [take a picture and/or video only when safe to do so]