Anonymous ID: 5d3c8d April 11, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.6139193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9228 >>9237 >>9413 >>9602



Some random thoughts:


What we’re seeing in the news, Julian Assange being perp walked away from the embassy, scared and struggling, does not make any sense.


This is the man:


Who helped Trump get elected through his leaks.


Who Trump professed to love during campaign rallies.


For whose information Roger Stone is facing federal charges.


Who Hillary Clinton wanted to drone.


Who leaked that there were no weapons of mass destruction.


Who is such a threat to the cabal that he’s been in de facto prison for 7 years.


Why would Trump, swamp-drainer-in-chief, order the very public, very anticipated, arrest of an enemy of his enemies?


If it doesn’t make sense on the surface, then what is on the surface must be for show.


I believe this “arrest” is to compel Assange’s testimony on matters ranging from a murdered whistleblower named Seth Rich (he offered a massive reward for info leading to the arrest of his killers) to Bush/Cheney/Obama/Clinton crimes to Nxivm child sex trafficking.


[Please remember rapper M.I.A.’s video, Paper Planes, was featured along with a hash key in Assange’s tweet released a few days after Trump’s executive order against human trafficking. M.I.A. is a friend and supporter of Assange. She was also engaged to Ben Bronfman, cousin to the Bronfmans of Nxivm fame. My theory is she saw lots of bad things around the family Bronfman and gave the info to her friend Assange. Interesting how this “arrest” has taken place just as Mack and Salzman have cut deals in a RICO case]


This show, the Kabuki, is to compel the fake news MSM into coverage that will prove damning to the Deep State. JA holds more information on the globalist scum than just about anyone. I made a prior post that said to notice that today is 4/11. 4-1-1. Who do you call for information on the deep state? Julian Assange.


Assange is such a huge name that his being forcibly led away must be covered by deep state organs like the WaPo and CNN. It’s another Mueller-style Trojan Horse, DJT rope-a-dope. And I believe it is now well and truly Happening!

Anonymous ID: 5d3c8d April 11, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6139478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"If after ALL I've told y'all about Assange since May for fucks sake, still seems like a LARP after this, I give up. Like I said, a LONG TIME AGO, no one "BAD" got Assange. Disinfo is good, like Q guy says though, right?! Maybe we just needed y'all to think he was "got", for the "get", until we didn't need it any more. Might not have needed the "get" anymore, after right around May 2017, no? Unironic… of course. ;o)"


Control+ F = Assange

Anonymous ID: 5d3c8d April 11, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6139678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notice none of the big deep stateDemocrats have said boo about Assange's "arrest" on Twitter? Taken by surprise? Have to pump out a new joint narrative?


More like soiling themselves.

Anonymous ID: 5d3c8d April 11, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6139864   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We'll know for sure one way or the other in the next year. No wall, no lock-ups, no re-election. I think Q/Trump are legit, but I appreciate the healthy skepticism.