100% WRONG! Board is 90% fake AI interaction in reading and responding back and it is a Bush Deep State figthing all it can to cover and not be charged with all the Bush family crimes….
If you say something not 100% in their DS words, within 1 minute, you will get a automatic shill attack over and over, and call one a shill.
Its the Bush DS owners of the board. Notice, they never ever push or talk about the Bush DS involvement in 3 Coups of America since 1933? What are the odds? Yet remember, GHW, at Trumps Nomination, used his thumb and acted to cut Trumps throat as his nomination?
Funny now isn't it? Why do the Bush family have German Passports in their REAL GERMAN NAMES? You all know, Bush is as Fake of a name as BO right? Why do Bushs have official German Passports under the names of GEORG SHERRIF? Yeah - Sherrif is Bushs real Nazi last name, and Prescott used a fake Bush when the Nazi family came to america, to overthrown America?
What are odds of a honest family, having be named in 2 Coup attempts of America and Overthrow of Presidents, and then 1 GHW daddy being detained and questioned in Dallas, minutes after JFK's murder, in the room next to Oswald? Then become the CIA Director a few short years later, AFTER the public exectution of JFK?
This is nothing but a controlled board. Many truths are stated, yet many more distractions and non topics allowed, or exposing Truth are attacked as Shills here?
2 Deep States we are fighting. 1 - HRC and 2 - Bushs Controlled. Yet only HRC is being attacked, while the Bush Deep State crimes (911, JFK, Bank Bailout, etc) are being removed from the public, so they are forgotten about.
Was that the Deal Trump made with Bushs to keep them from being exposed, investigated and charged? See that Game being playing here?
Only 100% HRC Deep State and total removal of Bush Deep State generational crimes being scrubbed?