Anonymous ID: bdeab9 April 22, 2019, 9:17 p.m. No.6281160   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6278024 (PB)

Deadly? I've never heard of a single child dying because they were sleeping on the hump. My family would make a bed out of pillows, raising us almost to the height of the seat, and toss a blanket over I and my sisters. While I recall spending a lot of time on the rear window ledge, it wasn't because I was avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning … I was just trying to get away from my sisters who would pick on me and then complain to Mom and Dad. The further I could get away from them, the more likely I was to survive to adulthood.

>>6278126 (PB)

There will be incense burned tonight!

>>6278268 (PB)

Trudeau invited them.

>>6278291 (PB)

She divorced him and, after getting an education in ND, he hopped a plane back to the old country. It was immigration fraud. Not certain why she hasn't been prosecuted.

>>6278358 (PB)

Well, two out of three ain't bad. We are Americans. We are not Zionists. >>6278365 (PB)

Pro-zionism is hate speech because it is anti-Islam and anti-Christian and anti-everything else. Pro-semiticism is hate speech because you never include you Semitic kin, the Muslims, who are also the children of Abraham. Remember … he fucked Hagar and then sent her and his first-born son off to die in the fucking desert because Sarah was such a jealous bitch and Abraham didn't have the balls to stand up to her? Yeah, well God kept Hagar and Ishmael alive and that makes the Arabs your cousins. You are a Jewish supremacist and everything that you hate looks at you from the mirror. We are a free speech board. Take your "hate speech" bullshit on down the road before I sic Achmed the dummy on you.

People who mutilate a baby's dick without any form of anesthesia for religious reasons are no better than people who scrape the clitoris off young girls while they scream in pain for the same stupid reason. You are both despicable excuses for human beings who cause pain and suffering to the innocent and defenseless. What (might) have served a hygienic purpose in the desert where you fucks couldn't be bothered to wash your dick once in a while hasn't been necessary for centuries. But still you do it.

Why? Because it's a tradition? So is the commandment to go to Jerusalem once a year to offer animal sacrifices and pay your tithes. When was the last time you did THAT?

At least the Muslims don't lick the wound and transmit disease. And they keep the haj.

Go away and take your vile hatefulness with you. Go one … begone!

>>6278311 (PB)

Somebody can't count. A few hundred, maybe.

>>6277964 (PB)

Looks to me like Kim has read the Art of the Deal.

>>6278616 (PB)

And rightly so. If fact, if TRUMP did 10% of what he's been accused of he'd be out, out, out.

But in this country, we still think that the difference between being accused of something and being guilty of it is important. That is why Brett Kavanaugh sits on our Supreme Court and why Donald J. Trump is still our President.

So swallow, Brisbane Times.

>>6278578 (PB)

Omar = Minnesota

Tlaib = Michigan


Two minutes worth of talking point prep would have gone a long way. There is no need to appease every other religion. If you walk into a Christian church on this day of the year, they get that you aren't a Buddist or Zoroastrian. And it's cool. Only Muslims and Jews give a damn and both of them boldly announce what faith they follow. Christians need to do the same. If it pisses the other two off, that's not the purpose but it's no excuse for remaining silent.

>>6278494 (PB)

Why remove them? In a few hours they will be covered in shit and flies. In about a week they will die from lack of water. A month after that the birds will have picked them clean and the last of their bones will rattle down where the janitor can just sweep them away.

Problem solved.

>>6278487 (PB)

If they want the money to %100 go where intended, they should give the Jehovah's Witnesses and earmark it for Sri Lanka. No management fees … all money goes where it's supposed to. That's a little known fact, but you CAN check it out if you wish. I useta wuz and that's something they are very scrupulous about.

>>6278545 (PB)

Nope – I'm shooting back.