Anonymous No More ID: c4945c May 12, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.6479036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is some big league suppression and devoicing the voice of our fellow Trump Supporters. We operated several landing page sites to circulate meme warfare, but our former VPS host decided to evict us from their servers, giving us 2-weeks to vacate the host, and the dipshit reneged on the contract, 8-9 ways to Sunday.


You'll know who I am by my shitty "memes" that aren't really memes, but are a form of paradoxical performance art, but that said…


I did a quick look into Brendan and Brian Brader, and from what I can see, they're big Obama supporters, so it's no real surprise that when some douche (a political lurker from this board maybe) called them up and told them about the "Racist, Hateful, Harassing content" they breached contract, evicted me, and now that I'm doing a migration, have restricted my server so that it's at a dribble, and RARELY actually on… so the server on DotBlock stops during the migration, rendering the migration null and making it start all over.


Some people are evil, but this Brian Brader guy is just fat, dumb, and stupid. Do with this information as you see fit. If you agree with their political gerrymandering and deceitfulness, you could show them your support by entering into a contract with these manipulative execs stomping on the underpaid employees (check glassdoor reviews) who then mistreat clients.


It'sa culture of depravity, it looks like. I'd appreciate if anybody could do some more comprehensive digging into them so I can publish some more graphics like the Fat Fuck That's Got No Nuts.


Do as thou wilt, bitches. Show them some love (especially if you have any STD's)!