Notice again, Trump sided with his Jewish Master Bank Controllers to get all the Shekels he can, vs actually saving our childrens very lives on our streets?
How can any true Christian, as he claims he is, do nothing to save our children on our streets in security and against drugs? Yet notice, Trump threatened Mexico with Closing the Border if no change? It only got worse and Trump tucked his wang between his legs and backed off? Why? Because it would hurt Commerce - Not save human lives! This is criminal and not the oath for We The People he took, or did Trump take a Oath for the Jewish Shekel masters that control him? Think about it.
Trump placed commerce and Shekels over the very lives for the 10th+ time, and no one else speaks of this treason? Funny, Commerce is always placed #1 on planet earth in Trumps world, above saving our very youngest children's lives #2 in priority.
So how do you all feel Trump placing the lives of your very children as being #2 behind of Money Shekels #1 on planet earth? Surely, any true God loving human will favor the actual lives of children over money, yet Trump never once in his Mexico action placed human life and death as #1, but doing so, will impact the money his rich elite businessmen need to buy that next $100 million dollar car! Who cares how many dead children bodies you have to walk over to buy your next airplane or home?
Trump knows, you can just wash off all the blood from the dead children and babies of murdered americans off their money, and use it to buy their next entitled royality item they want. Funny Trump thinks its just fine to wash off all the blood off their gold and silver of his rich/elite friends, and it leaves no trace behind of all the dead bodies of children and babies blood that were soak in it.
Yet Trump sleeps sound at night, as the night shift comes in to the rich businessmen, who is paid to wash all the blood off their wealth, so they don't care how much, nor how many childrens lives it cost to get that next shekel.