Anonymous ID: 503654 April 11, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6141005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1115 >>1120 >>1189

~~Mueller Report~~

~~Barr Principal Conclusions~~

~~Constant nods at Q & Anons from Fox personalities/POTUS/celebs~~

Mostly unredacted testimony slowly trickling

FISA warrants, 302s, and HRC investigation re-opening incoming

~~Schiff under HEAVY fire~~

~~Barr gives updated timeline on Mueller Report release~~

Barr to testify on his release May 1

NXIVM trial to start soon

~~Nunes gives criminal referrals (8) to Barr~~

Nunes + Ratcliffe to brief Barr on referrals

~~Julian Assange on the move~~


brb, need to go to costco for more popcorn.