Anonymous ID: 6a52bf April 11, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6140763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0923 >>0976 >>1316

>>6138421 OB

>Post #63- (Q says) "Maybe one day but it CANNOT go slow."

>(Did Q intend to say, "Maybe one day but it MUST go slow?)

>Not sure what do do with letter substitution. What do you do with COMMAND AND CHIEF?


>It should be Commander In Chief.


>Command is missing ER and the word AND should be IN.


Anon, for discussion of post you asked about, please search old breads that are contemporaneous. In the meantime here are a few pics to ponder, fren, and get the almonds activated further.


Consider looking into Q 62 as a point of entry into the context. But, as always, take an approach that makes sense to you or which feels right to you. Your inquiry is useful. You are thinking for yourself.



Anonymous ID: 6a52bf April 11, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6140976   🗄️.is 🔗kun



While the phrase, we're-doing-well-for-America, might stand as a noun it can also serve as an adjective modifying the implied noun (message).


And the phrase, hard-working, serves as an adjective of people rather than as a noun. The hyphens would be useful in clarification of a written thought, however this clarification is usually implied in tone of voice or other clues when spoken rather than written.


Note the phrase, need to cut these off, is likewise in the form of a verbal presentation rather than written. For clarification, the written form might be structured this way: we need to cut-off these (strings-pulling bad actors). It might even be spoken to imply that the strings will be cut-off the bad actors. When spoken it would be common for gestures to assist in conveying the intended meaning.


This may suggest to some readers that the post was spoken by one individual while its text was entered by another individual. This may also supply more context for the apparent misspellings and such.


Yet, keep in mind, that Q does insist that everything has meaning. Everything.


And on that score I would also speculate that even the phrase "on the move" has meaning when dropped to help Anons decipher Q Posts that come quickly in succession or during events that are happening quickly during a series of posts.

Anonymous ID: 6a52bf April 11, 2019, 1:54 p.m. No.6141231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1266 >>1354 >>1408



It is the only post with that signature.

-The WH


Yeah, -WH also appears in Q 717 and Q 1079 but with -The and not as a signature.


Interesting is Q 61 which is the first instance of a post signed off with, Q.


That is why I suggested it provides additional context for the query made by Anon in old bread.


My own comments include errors, not always unintentional, but fellow Anons can engage me directly far more easily than we can engage Q on the go. Yet Q does make the time to make the point that an apparent error is intentional or not ("on the move").


And then there is the post signed variously with:







God bless my fellow Americans.



The latter seems presidential, yeah, and the others seems an echo of it.


Cheers, Anon.

Anonymous ID: 6a52bf April 11, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6141316   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In Q 32, the phrase, Maybe one day, might be intended to say something like, possibly some day we can move faster, and then the rest of the sentence continued the thought to its completion: but it cannot go slowly.


What was meant by, it, is up for grabs all this time later. But most Anons will have come to various conclusions developed and refined over that time and in the light of subsequent Q posts.