Anonymous ID: 9775d0 April 11, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.6141109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1138 >>1362 >>1370

Sup anons.

>>6138753 pb

I posted this a few breads back and saw it got notablized, so I figured I'd offer up the sauce for the original idea. It's from a 4pol thread Dec. 2017, and being autistic I totally found it:


Did Hillary Clinton murder the First Dog Buddy?


Theory goes something like this. They got the dog a few weeks before the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke and used it as a media tool to soften the Clintons appeal to the people. After the dog was no longer useful a few years later, Hillary just ran over the dog, being the evil satanic serial killer sociopath that she is. They even got the fucking NYT to smear buddy

>Sock's nemesis

A spokesperson for the Clinton's claimed they were away on vacation in Acapulco at the time. We may never know.