Anonymous ID: cb5223 April 11, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6140689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0799 >>0810 >>0908 >>1004 >>1012 >>1053 >>1070 >>1254 >>1326

You know Anons, as this whole thing sorta wraps up for us, and America is clearly on the offensive, along with ALL The Forces of LIGHT WW, I just want to Thank Q, and (you) and ALL Workers of Light & Freedom, ALL Patriots & those struggling, locked into the grips of babylon, for helping me to achieve my Life's goals, that being…


#1. To figure out what in the literal HELL was going on. HOW could such a marvelous creature such as the Human Being, Perfect, on a Perfect planet, come to such a state. I've been pretty "woke" (I Prefer "Aware") my whole life, but Q & (you) really allowed me to put the finishing touches on my Personal 40K WorldView. I've heard that True Players





Play the WHOLE Map. And I surely have a MUCH larger and TRUTHFUL (And Inspired and Hopeful, KEK!) Worldview. And I have years worth of study that you Anons have shared with me that I haven't had time to dig on. I cannot Thank You enough. It's been beyond an Honor.


  1. To Give AMERICA, The Republic & People I have ALWAYS Loved SO deeply, A "Fighting Chance." That's it. A Fighting Chance. I ALWAYS knew that if Enough of US FINALLY said, "Enough is ENOUGH!!" & STOOD UP and DEMANDED JUSTICE, Then it WOULD happen. But I gave up on that Hope, That Idea, That IDEAL, That Vision of The BEST America (Although I NEVER gave up The Fight, NEVER) about 2009. I NEVER in my LIFE thought We would ever get a chance to rise, but missions onward nonetheless. I never thought THESE days would come. But Thank God SOME AMAZING People didn't.


"I ALWAYS KNEW This Day Would Arrive, It Was Only A Question Of WHEN"


So there it is. America has a Fighting Chance right?? I mean, I don't know 1% of what's really going on, but We've Risen Up Right?? We have GEOTUS for 6 more years, and ALL the momentum is in OUR Favor as far as I can see.


I just want to share this with you all, for it was YOU Q, and YOU Anons (I said from the time I got locked and loaded here on 8, and we really started pushing, that even though I showed up for Q, I stayed for the ANONS. And I ALWAYS will. I hope more show up, I LOVE Frens!!


So…To FINALIZE… I love All of You endlessly, my faceless Frens, My Fellow Red Blooded AMERICAN & WW Patriots & Honest Anons & My family of Autists, I never knew how many of us there were, and to get to know you and see The Light that I was given in certain areas, be so artfully and mathematically perfectly expressed in SO many ways (Memes, hashtags, cryptology, art of any sort, and the like) where I have had true retardation, makes me smile and it WARMED my broken and cold heart, and brought me back Home. Not to mention, Laughter IS The Best Medicine (Magic!!) and this is the funniest House in the History of Earth. I Pray you will keep it that way. Nothing wrong with taking Some VICTORY Laps 'eh Anons?? WE EARNED IT.


What a Life. The ignorant and unaware, have wanted to label me "Bi-Polar", I always knew they were wrong, and I never went for [their] evil. I knew something was going on, in time and space, and BEYOND time and space, and so did most of you, and that's why we're here. Thank GOD (you) are here. But…It has been a Drastic Life. I am Grateful for it. And I am Grateful to YOU, all of you, and some of you in particular, before I take a vacation from the internet for the first time since the mid-90's, I just want to say that this is The MOST Drastic Crew I have ever seen or been a part of. Honor & Love Yourselves Anons, We DID it.


ALL [your] Narrative R Belong to US NOW!!


May God Bless (You), ALL of (Yours) All Children of The Light & Patriots WORLDWIDE (We SHALL Be FREE!!) GEOTUS, FLOTUS, ALL of THE TRUMPS, Their Teams, BO, BV's, Overwatch and Our incredible Bakers. You're doing God's work. And like that line from Lt. Kendrick when he was on the stand talking about HIS feelings about the "tragic" death of William Santiago in "A Few Good Men", (And here I'm going to switch the lines up to make a point ABOUT YOU and how I feel about you all….) So in Kendrick's voice….


"8Chan QResearch broke the back of Mockingbird Media and took control of the narrative to awaken the masses……

They were able to do this, because along with THEIR LEADERS, They live by a CODE, THEY HAVE HONOR, And GOD has been watching.'''


The Future is OURS



Anonymous ID: cb5223 April 11, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6141261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1326

>>6140799 –Love You Anon. It's an Honor

>>6140810 –Whew!! What a rush. Love to You Anon.

>>6140908 – KEK!! It's interesting, My Greatest Hope is to be a Teacher (Meaning "to point at things" KEK!) & Help Create a Healthy Culture. I have a lot of ideas and plans. And I told my youngest child last night, and I have home schooled all Mine the whole way, and we haven't had many resources, BUT…I said, "Son, you served and we did it, and I believe YOU should choose where We will go on our first vacation in 13 years, as a learning trip." And he picked Washington DC. None of us have ever been East of the Mississippi except me once, mostly in the dark, to sneak into a curious spot in the South, and I've never wanted to go to DC until now of course. So we're working REALLY fast on getting up to speed Patriotically & With God, so that's our next stop. They were geeking out over the Trump Hotel, becasue I had them go activate their intrinsic drivers and HiveMind to hopefully make it a Reality (MAGIC!!)) We always must strive to believe in, and CREATE (Magic!!) The BEST!!!! #BeTheChange. One way or another, We will see (you) there.

>>6141004 –Thank You for helping me Regain The Light. Nothing BUT Love. o7

>>6141012 –Thank You. It's all of (US) because of math I have always known that there REALLY

>>6141070 –KEK!! 100%. The Saviors in the game, But We ALL Know Who THE Savior is in THE GAME. Great work keeping the Comms CLEAR Anon. I salute You.


Peace & Love to All.