>>6141455 lb
>OK so does this mean we can take Minnesota back now?
White leftards in MN will kill Americans to protect goatfuckers.
that's how fucked up that state is.
>>6141455 lb
>OK so does this mean we can take Minnesota back now?
White leftards in MN will kill Americans to protect goatfuckers.
that's how fucked up that state is.
Mammaries for the maker.
Hillary is a cunt
God wins.
Q sucks on Reince's ballsack.
>I’m hoping things happen soon
17 months.
Nuthing habbening.
Still hopes things will happen "soon" …
you are the exact kind of dupe Q has been playing to, anon.
Tony Danza
He's a conservative in Hollywood.
This was from "Who's the Boss, a show on which he starred with that stupid leftard cunt from the Kavanaugh hearings.
>The little boy grew up to be a gay drug addict with aids.
So, like 90% of Hollywood male actors?
When Barr identifies Q as part of ShariaBlew, I pray that this happens.
She probably does own a gun .. but has shot it maybe twice.
She has security paid for by tax payers.
Oh, and she doesn't want you to have a gun.
So, this pandering to gun owners is fucking transparently stupid.
>Trips confirm fighting a war for a fat chick is tarded.
Did you really need trips to confirm that as fact, anon?
>"The FBI conducted court-ordered authorized surveillance.
Jimmy conveniently leaves out the fact that the surveillance was authorized from a knowingly fraudulent dossier … iow, the FBI lied to the FISC to obtain its surveillance permission.
This will come out very quickly … and hopefully someone will rot in jail for it.
Comey, Cankles, Jugears, Brennan, Clapper … ALL need to go to jail for this shit.