>>6141084 LEGIT Notable DeepDive Dig! POTUS Watches Match Heading to Mayotte and the 17Hz shot heard round the world. Please see https://shepardessoffire.home.blog/ for latest updates
Best Screenshots I've got attached.
>>6141084 LEGIT Notable DeepDive Dig! POTUS Watches Match Heading to Mayotte and the 17Hz shot heard round the world. Please see https://shepardessoffire.home.blog/ for latest updates
Best Screenshots I've got attached.
Q 2914
The clock is ticking.
If we are merely a so-called conspiracy (FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE), why the daily attacks by the biggest media co's in the world (attempt to control)?
You are the news now.
POTUS AND Q - 11-11 Shot heard round the world!!!