Definition of terror from Merriam Webster:
terror noun
1 : a state of intense fear
2a : one that inspires fear
b : a frightening aspect
c : a cause of anxiety
d : an appalling person or thing especially
3 : reign of terror
4 : violent or destructive acts…committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands
Now that President Trump has named a group thousands of miles away, quite rightly and now formally as a terrorist organization; a group that is not inside the US, not directly identified with active daily acts of terror - under the definition list above, and unable at the moment to wage daily attacks inside or on United States.
So perhaps it is time to name some other groups as terrorists? Groups that have not just a deleterious effect on the lives of all Americans but on citizens from other countries both in their own countries and with illegals in America need to be - again, formally - named and dealt with using the full force available to the United States military in the protection of America and Americans.
My suggestion then is for President Trump to name:
ms-13 and all ms-13 wannabees, all the Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Venezuelan, Peruvian, Ecuadorian cartels and their known leadership as full-blown terrorist organizations and terrorists. Any and all monies and property held worldwide of these terrorist organizations must be seized. As with all serious terrorist organizations and individuals, orders must be given to and applied by the United States military whether the terrorists are on American property or not.
Should the terrorists within America not accept arrest the military of course has options not open to local law enforcement, even when dealing with terrorists.
Besides, after all the renovations at Gitmo, they are ready for an influx of new guests.