I'm not surprised by this. We were warned about those who say they are Jews who are not. What is really more interesting is the current location of the Tribe of Judah, and the other 11 Hebrew tribes.
Long before Christ was born:
1) Israeli tribes had a civil war. 10 tribes north became the Nation of Israel. 2 tribes South became the Nation of Judah where we get the word "jew" (pic related)
2) Assyrians recognized the military nature of the northern ten tribes, kidnapped them (whole families) and put them to the west side of the Assyrian empire as a buffer. (Pic 2 Captivity Routs)
3)They kept their Tribal names and family names. They kept their legal Hebrew traditions. When they grew too large the were squeezed between the Assyrians and the Caucus mountains, so they migrated over the Caucus mountains toward Rome, who kept records of their tribal movements. They grew into two empires. Parthia and Scythia.
4) When those empires fell, hoards of the Hebrew descendants ran across Europe through Rome ending up in Northern Europe, across to Scotland, where they identified themselves as decendants of Israel in the Scottish Declaration of Independance that they wrote. (See Pic 3 related)
One of the Tribes, Ephraim settled Brittain. Another Tribes descendants settled the United States, and our nation is dotted with towns from their family names. (pic 4 related)
The Romans called the people coming over the Caucus mountains though what is still known as the pass of Israel "Caucasians".
This is where we get the word "Caucasian"
Ephraim is England and Her Commonwealth
Manasseh is the United States of America