Any other anons have.. strange things happening lately? Like 'no-way-was-that-a-coincidence' kind of strange? Multiple of them within a short time span (few days)? The more time I spend on Q the more they seem to happen, especially when I get into esoteric stuff. Seems like they are happening faster and faster, almost like it's building up to something. Really been picking up speed since January. At first I wrote it off to paranoia and too much Q but there is no doubt anymore, too many of them now and too correlated with other events. Mathematically impossible and all that. Anyone else have this experience?
It doesn't really feel malicious, there hasn't been anything dangerous. Feels more like I'm being guided or something like that. But you're saying it might not be the good guys?
YES! That's exactly how it feels like. Like when I'm spending enough time with Q stuff I get 'tuned-in' to future events and then weird shit starts happening all over the place. Kind of like tuning a radio to the right station. Glad I'm not the only one, hope you're doing OK.
I hear you. I wasn't religious at all when all this started but boy has that changed.
Thank god I'm not alone with this, was driving me nuts. Yeah yesterday was REALLY weird.. and Assange today…
Not sure I should be posting this stuff, but really makes me feel better that it's not just me at least.
Thank you, I will. It's just different once you realize you are IN the movie, you know?
I kind of enjoy it now, only problem is it's getting difficult holding down a 'normal' job.. Here's hoping I don't have that problem for too much longer..
Bro that's cool but try having them fly a squadron of jet fighters above your head in the middle of your country's capital.. That'll get your attention.