thanks for reminding fren….that was what i was going to eat for diner ….gotta heat oven up
thanks for reminding fren….that was what i was going to eat for diner ….gotta heat oven up
minus the inclusion of Jesus as the risen messiah…dont even try that horus, bacchus BS either thats all been disproved as well …
this new age gnostic bs is garbage and agree Jesus was there since the start watching all of this, and many of these new age sumerian people are close to truth but they are still taken in by the babylonian spirit
im trying my temper still gets the better of me sometimes with that talk, but i also see alot of the evil with it now since i was raised in gnostic cult…it is soooo devious …many people see it as truth but its still fractionated until they see Jesus….too many people look for GOD …but im pretty surei n the bible it say you have to Find the Father through Jesus….so all this sumerian stuff is nonsense