Anonymous ID: 74e561 April 11, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.6143058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3094 >>3348 >>3585 >>3677

World News

April 11, 2019 / 6:59 PM / Updated 8 minutes ago


U.S. House Democrats blame Trump for worsening border crisis

Susan Cornwell


LEESBURG, Va. (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Democrats are accusing Republican President Donald Trump of aggravating a crisis situation at the southern U.S. border, saying he has not used funds available to help deal with a surge of migrants and exacerbated the problem with his attempts to crack down.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that bipartisan immigration reform, which has eluded Congress and the White House for years, is still the solution. It is in fact “inevitable,” Pelosi said on the sidelines of a Democratic party meeting in Leesburg, Virginia.


In Washington, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, also called for bipartisan discussions on immigration. But he focused on toughening U.S. asylum law, a move that Democrats likely would oppose.


Democrats have not proposed a comprehensive immigration bill since taking the majority in the House this year. Republicans still hold the Senate.


Instead, Democrats last month proposed legislation offering a pathway to citizenship for more than 2 million undocumented immigrants who were brought illegally to the United States as children. Known as Dreamers, they face possible deportation.


The House Democratic bill would also help immigrants from countries hit by civil conflicts or natural disasters who have temporary protected status, known as TPS.


U.S. officers arrested or denied entry to over 103,000 people along the border with Mexico in March, a 35 percent increase over the prior month and more than twice as many as the same period last year, according to data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection this week.


The steady increase in migrant arrivals, which has been building over the past several months, is driven by a growing number of children and families, especially from Central America.


Trump has threatened to close the border, saying the United States is “full.” He has urged the building of a wall on the southern border since before he became president in 2016. Recently his ire has been directed at his own officials, Congress, and Latin American countries, who he says have not done enough to stop their citizens from traveling to the United States.


Pelosi, asked Thursday what should be done at the border, said the bipartisan legislation Trump signed to end a government shutdown in February included money for judges and humanitarian aid “to bring order to the border,” but Trump has not used the funds.


Although a bipartisan effort at comprehensive immigration reform by Democrats and Trump last year failed, Pelosi said such an overhaul still had a chance.


“I’m not giving up on the president on this,” Pelosi said. “I still say to him, ‘We’ve got to have comprehensive immigration reform’.”


Representative Pramila Jayapal, speaking to reporters later, said the Trump administration had manufactured a crisis at the border in part by “stripping away” legal routes to immigration, such as by stopping asylum seekers at legal ports of entry.


Trying to curb the flow of Central American asylum seekers, the administration has been sending more people back to Mexico to wait for their asylum claims to be heard by U.S. courts.


Representative David Cicilline said the Trump administration had exacerbated a challenging border situation by not spending money that was appropriated for border facilities and personnel, as well as by cutting off aid to Central American countries for sending migrants to the United States.


Cicilline, who runs the House Democrats’ policy and communications committee, denied Democrats were simply “looking on helplessly” at the problems.


“But the administration has responsibility in all these areas. And we can appropriate funding and we can pass legislation but ultimately they are responsible for executing the immigration laws in this country,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 74e561 April 11, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6143114   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From 'no crisis' to 'breaking point': Mainstream media outlets change their tune on border crisis amid illegal immigration surge

By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News


Months after repeatedly dismissing and mocking President Trump’s claim of a national emergency at the Southern U.S. border, the mainstream media are grappling with reality, with no less than The New York Times declaring the border crisis at “breaking point.”


Yet as recently as February, a New York Times fact-checker of Trump's State of the Union speech tweeted: “President Trump described illegal border crossings as a 'urgent national crisis.' This is false."




The Washington Post’s editorial board said “there is no crisis” at the border and called Trump’s national emergency declaration “untethered from truth and reality” and a “make-believe emergency.”


"Mr. Trump’s technique is to spin fiction as fact, secure in the knowledge that minds will reel as fact-checkers labor to deconstruct his ziggurat of falsehoods. So let’s stick to one big, basic truth: There is no crisis at the southern border," the editorial said.


"So let’s stick to one big, basic truth: There is no crisis at the southern border."

— Washington Post's editorial board


CNN’s Anderson Cooper, meanwhile, echoed many other left-wing voices on social media and implied that the fact the president went to spend his weekend away from the White House after declaring the emergency was evidence that there was no urgent problem at the border.


Fast forward, the same media outlets are now scrambling to accurately portray the border crisis, no longer fearing to quote top officials and their data, and declare that the southern border is at a “breaking point” amid a surge in the number of illegal immigrant crossings.


“The U.S. Immigration System May Have Reached a Breaking Point,” a New York Times story read Wednesday, detailing the unprecedented problems at the border.


“It was never like this before,” the article states. “The migrants come now in the middle of the night or in the bright light of day. Men and women arrive by the hundreds, caked with dirt, with teens and toddlers in tow.”


The story claims that a “breaking point” has been reached in America’s immigration system, which is no longer able to cope with the unseen levels of illegal immigration.


“The country is now unable to provide either the necessary humanitarian relief for desperate migrants or even basic controls on the number and nature of who is entering the United States,” the story notes.


“The country is now unable to provide either the necessary humanitarian relief for desperate migrants or even basic controls on the number and nature of who is entering the United States.”

— The New York Times




This is a follow-up to another story in the Times from last month titled “Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as More Than 76,000 Unauthorized Migrants Cross in a Month” that cited the data that over 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, the 11-year-high that put a strain on the border patrol resources.


Yet the report still accused Trump of using the data to justify the implementation of strict immigration controls, including building the border wall.


The Post caught up with the Times' first report, admitting the crisis at the border only about three weeks later, printing an article titled “U.S. has hit ‘breaking point’ at border amid immigration surge, Customs and Border Protection chief says.”


The media’s starkly different portrayal of the southern border comes amid Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch testimony before Congress earlier this week, claiming that a caravan-size influx of migrants is flooding across the border each week in just a single sector.


The official noted that the border patrol has apprehended more families illegally crossing the border in the first five months of fiscal 2019 than during all of fiscal 2018. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended more than 76,000 migrants across the border in February and said it was on track to apprehend more than 100,000 in March.




Trump also floated the possibility of sending additional military troops to the southern border as the border patrol is lacking resources to combat the surge.


“I'm going to have to call up more military,” Trump said on Wednesday in Texas.

Anonymous ID: 74e561 April 11, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.6143171   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>After stewing about his about face on closing the border, really, how would that stop the illegals from entering. They rarely cross at entry points, so closing will only hurt the economy. The threat of closing was to make Mexico stop allowing and helping them thru Mexico.

