Anonymous ID: 76849f April 11, 2019, 6:06 p.m. No.6144481   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dude weird I literally did the same and it worked out for the better, shit happened that I no way could have seen coming that eventually was beneficial, and when I was down in the dirt poor nervous for the future, nervous of what others thought, My gf at the time etc etc, then when we found the fact the NWO truly is satanic and this game is all really real, I really realized these coincidences were really God and that there is a path but the mental media midgets here in cuckistan canada try to brainwash everyone around here. (commie canada is also a good name)

now im married with a child on the way and a (hopeful) closing on a house and got a new job last week, like I felt as long as I kept true to my word, tried to red pill the normies and masses, in a weird way life would be protected and would be provided, I also skipped death like twice (Car 360 on highway in snow storm and skipped head on collision on another occasion - twin highway with all 3 lanes, and a car facing me in all 3 lanes) like you I was at it since 2015 when wikileaks posted podesta email and on 4 chan we went nuts but its weird Assange is in the news again, the very thing that I think was prompted but I do believe MIL INTEL started and leaked the emails with wikileaks as a cover ( think intel drop ) and maybe the 2018 Q post saying Planned (3) years, was 2018 - 3 = 2015.

I read somewhere once that it was like a wake up call to patriots, no matter what creed or race or physical features or even mental features, we banded together and proved racism doesn't exist but we TRULY did it, no racism to REAL ANONS, ofc the shills were here and that but who the fuck cares about them anyway, I've learned such a wide variety of red pills ranging from toxoplasma gondii gays to jews being portrayed as vampire cannibals in Nosferatu and how it was all in front of us the whole time but yea its been a good while and man going to work and shit it OK but I will not waste money, i will give money to where ceaser owns and that's it but will limit it.

even quit cigs but still smoke a pipe sometimes ( try not to inhale )- It has been a weird time, I hope we do get to meet for that beer sometime and i dunno, the shit that happened, live discussion here, lots of it just labeled random shit saved somewhere, i dunno, it is still feeling like we are living in two lives, my wife and I, most family hates trump still which I don't understand, I got a make canada great again hat I wear everywhere with a Q on the side, its all we can do, i've come to see people wont wake unless they want to