Anonymous ID: ae8782 April 11, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.6143892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4303 >>4494

Egypt pulls out of anti-Iran alliance envisioned by US, allies: Reuters


Egypt has reportedly turned its back on a US-led initiative to establish a NATO-style alliance of Arab countries primarily aimed at countering Iran out of concerns that such a coalition could increase tensions with the Islamic Republic, among other reasons.


Four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters on Thursday that Cairo had informed the US and the members of what is to be called the Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA) of the withdrawal plan ahead of their Sunday’s meeting in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.


One of the sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Egypt had not sent a delegation to the Riyadh event.


An Arab source stressed that Egypt had pulled out of the so-called “Arab NATO" because of its doubts about the seriousness of the proposal as well as the danger that such an Arab front would increase tensions with Tehran.


Other reasons were uncertainty about whether US President Donald Trump will win a second term in 2020 and whether his successor may scrap the initiative to form an anti-Iran alliance, the Arab source added.


Reuters described Cairo’s move as a blow to the Trump administration’s anti-Iran strategy.


A Saudi source also confirmed problems with the plan, saying, “It’s not moving well.”


Meanwhile, two other sources emphasized that the remaining MESA members were moving ahead with the initiative and would press Egypt diplomatically to revoke its withdrawal from the anti-Iran group.


“We all want them back,” said one of the sources.


The Arab source, however, noted that Egypt could not be convinced to return to the so-called “Arab NATO,” which is comprised of Jordan and six Persian Gulf Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.


Egyptian officials have not yet commented on the report.

Anonymous ID: ae8782 April 11, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.6144004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We've seen this shit before


So remember when Hitler was the leader of the master race. The views were they were superior to all others and they should rule over everyone.


Now we have the Zionist Jews saying they are God's chosen people who are above the goyim who are cattle.


Same playbook different era.

Anonymous ID: ae8782 April 11, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.6144040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4303 >>4494

Confidential Memo: Secretive Liberal Donor Club Plots $275 Million Spending Plan for 2020


Democracy Alliance has steered $1.83 billion to progressive infrastructure since 2005


A secretive group of top liberal donors has budgeted $275 million to be injected into progressive infrastructure leading up to the 2020 elections, confidential documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show.


The Democracy Alliance, which has been pivotal in helping bankroll left-wing causes and organizations since its founding in 2005, held its annual Spring conference at the ritzy Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, Texas, last week. Members and liberal groups mapped out their goals of expanding and strengthening the progressive political base, building and supporting progressive governance at every level, and restoring and expanding structural power.


The gatherings, which typically feature prominent Democratic politicians, are not publicly announced in advance, feature tight security, and are billed as a "safe place for its progressive funders." Members of the alliance, who are called "partners," are prohibited from talking to media, told to "refrain from leaving sensitive materials in public spaces," and to dispose of unwanted materials in "specially-identified recycling bins."


The Free Beacon was on site for the alliance's spring gathering and obtained a number of private and confidential documents from the group, including its agenda for the conference, its "Vision for a Progressive America," and its upcoming "Investments Strategy and Recommendations."


Gara LaMarche, who was previously the vice president and director of U.S. Programs at George Soros's Open Society Foundations, leads the Alliance, which counts Soros as a member and consists of more than 100 millionaire and billionaire donors who each pledge at least $200,000 annually to organizations that are recommended by the club. Its full list of members is unknown due to the group's secrecy.


According to confidential documents distributed to its members in Austin, the Democracy Alliance’s partners have infused $1.83 billion into the left since its inception.

Anonymous ID: ae8782 April 11, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.6144282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4302 >>4340 >>4448

Swalwell: ‘I Expect’ Trump to ‘Meddle,’ or Try to ‘Indirectly Tamper With’ Jurors in Assange Case


On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” 2020 presidential candidate Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said he expects President Trump “will probably continue to meddle, or attempt to indirectly tamper with the jurors” in Julian Assange’s case.


Swalwell said Trump’s reaction to Assange’s arrest “is what you would expect from my toddler when I find that he colored on the walls. He says, oh, I don’t know nothing about nothing, essentially. He doesn’t commend the Department of Justice for working so hard on this case, doesn’t commend the British for working with us to extradite Mr. Assange. Instead, he says something that’s completely unbelievable, that he doesn’t know anything about WikiLeaks, after we know that, for a year and a half, all he did was praise WikiLeaks.”


He later added, “I expect the president will probably continue to meddle, or attempt to indirectly tamper with the jurors, as he did in the Paul Manafort trial. If you remember, he was tweeting as those jurors were hearing the case. I don’t have faith in the attorney general. But I have faith in the men and women who toil away every day on behalf of the cause of justice, and they are the ones who should be commended. So, the president won’t commend them. I will commend them.”