Anonymous ID: fb9bf0 April 11, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6144310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6138824 (PB)

Not at all, you spam fuck. You've been posting that crap several times a day every damned day for a week. So it isn't "cool", it's inevitable that if Q EVER posted again, it would be on a bread where that shit was posted. And it IS shit. It's made up bullshit. (((You))) don't belong here.

>>6138966 (PB)

What if sauerkraut was gold and giraffe shit was the key to living forever?

>>6139093 (PB)

Hit the toenail with anything heavy and hard and you'll forget all about the driveway. Kek.

>>6139094 (PB)

He indicated that it was such a sensitive matter that he only wanted to give the names and particulars in person. All the letter actually said was "Hey … we need to talk FTF – when's a good time?"

>>6138770 (PB)

I will confess that some of the stuff seemed so plausible that I just accepted it … and got dragged into the gutter with it because I passed it along to normies and soon afterwards learned that the information was false. They might not have even noticed, but it's very important that I be strictly factual with anything I relay.

Mea Culpa.

Anonymous ID: fb9bf0 April 11, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6144583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You've got to admit it was funny when Mnuchin told her to use the gavel. She had it in her hand and was about to use – it but her ego wouldn't let her go ahead and give it a whack after he told her to.

Mnuchin, Owens, Barr. Three swings, three home runs. No strikes, no balls, no outs.


I don't know if Lieu will EVER recover.