This video will get Trump Elected! How many times has Q told you to watch it and watch it real slow.
Julian Assange is in the video and this was 2016.
Will anyone tell me that POTUS is not 12 steps ahead??????
This video will get Trump Elected! How many times has Q told you to watch it and watch it real slow.
Julian Assange is in the video and this was 2016.
Will anyone tell me that POTUS is not 12 steps ahead??????
I just proved that JA has been on Trump Train since 2016.
Now you and I know that JFK JR. is alive and well and is going to
be coming out!
Would anyone on here that called themselves an Anon that has Auistist skills even SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That JFK Jr. and Julian Assange work together???????
Hey Mr. Brown eyes that is how full of shit you are Seth Rich is the source Assange did nothing more than Bob Woodward of WaPo did in Watergate. Now "Spy Gate" will forever replace it. I hope your not in JA information LOL.