Anonymous ID: d1f11a April 11, 2019, 8:23 p.m. No.6146263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6365

While we're talking about the many valid reasons to hate China…

Author Gordon Chang, with Laura Ingraham, is delivering red pills with a fire hose


Ingraham: "Why isn't a full-on disengagement from China a smart and realistic approach?"

Chang: "We have to (disengage from China), Laura. We're funding our own destruction. China is using the profits from trade to expand its military, while its senior military officers openly boast about killing Americans. Twice in December, senior PLA (People's Liberation Army) officers talked about unprovoked attacks on the U.S. Navy in the global commons. And in the second of those attacks, on December 20, a rear admiral said, "let's use our missiles to kill 10,000 Americans by sinking two aircraft carriers". I don't understand why we're trading with this country. We have to protect ourselves."


"You talk about those 'reeducation centers', which are essentially concentration camps. Somewhere between 1.1 to 2 million people. As you pointed out, they're building crematoria to dispose of the bodies. These concentration camps are now spread from the northwest of China to the southwest, and it's accompanying an unprecedented attack on Christians and a new attack on Buddhists. This is an attack on all people of faith in China, and this is horrific. This reminds us of what happened in Germany in the 1930's and 40's."


"The Third Reich of the 21st Century"– "it's essentially a racial-based attack, in an attempt to eliminate a minority group. At the same time, you have the Chinese state employing eugenics, this experiment in Shenzhen. They're taking human genes and putting them in monkeys. This is unprecedented, at least since the 1930's and 40's. This is an attack on all that's decent in the world."

Anonymous ID: d1f11a April 11, 2019, 8:55 p.m. No.6146699   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Man, there's no "what if" to that

His special pals were the Pakistanis

Can't even stand to think about how much damage the Awans did to the US.

Nail those fuckers, and soon, Q.