Anonymous ID: 73f77a April 11, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6147118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7227

To #Qanon,


“If we are merely a LARP asking questions on the Chans, why are we being attacked daily…Attacks will only intensify…”


Maybe you should be! Not from shills of course, but from your Anons and Patriots turning on you too. Why?


I do not sit at the top of an illegal and grotesquely UNCONSTITUTIONAL information pyramid like you.

But from the perspective of the People on the street, Julian Assange has probably done more for truth and freedom of information than you will ever know. And he courageously did it as a normal, public civilian from a starting position of zero, with no fucking support from a giant soulless machine of infinite resources hell bent on destroying all life on Earth. He never hid anonymously behind a bunkered desk like a giant coward.


Without people like him, and many other brave whistleblowers, who came forward decades before you, I doubt there would have been any base big enough for your President Trump to ever latch onto and use to beat HRC with.

You, Mr. Trump, and Mr. Barr had better handle this whole Assange thing with very delicate and masterful touches. I look forward to seeing how this plays out…


Patriot of the highest order here, wishing all god-speed and good luck. As humanity rocks back and forth on a razor’s edge.



Anonymous ID: 73f77a April 11, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.6147318   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don’t be brain dead. You do not read much history do you?


Soldiers, even whole units, have mass defected many a time if their leadership slips into lack of awareness.


Now consider a bunch of civilians. They are capable of turning on a bad leader even faster. A much wilder bunch than a group of disciplined soldiers.


Qanon puts on pants every morning, just like everybody else. And is as vulnerable in his leadership success or failure, as any other before him.