Anonymous ID: c5e130 April 12, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.6148586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590 >>8609 >>8622 >>8643


The inequality of income

Athletes, Actors, Top Bankers, even some politicians, etc


We hear about those who are paid 20 million dollars

Actors paid $20 million for one movie,

An athlete paid $20 million for one year on a contract,



The normal average American; working for $50,000 per year,

would have to work 400 years to make 20 million dollars.


One million dollars per year would equal 20 years pay at $50,000


Does that even sound rational?

That the average American is then expected to pay admission

to be "entertained" by actors and athletes

when the average American has a job like a

teacher, police officer, plumber, fire fighter, electrician, etc.

who contributes much more to the every day needs of

the average American.