Anonymous ID: cad816 April 12, 2019, 12:21 a.m. No.6148475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8486 >>8511

>>6145642 (pb)


It's pretty obvious that they will never change! The TDS exhibited by the pedophile couple's Tiegen, is just one example: "Women need to say F' Trump more" (I refuse to use it here, but I'm sure she said it loud and proud, bitch!).


Really for all of them, but realistically the treasonous ones, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schiff, Schumer, Lieu; execution is really the most humane thing for them (and us!). It's like when you have a dog with rabies; they have to somehow put them down so the animal doesn't suffer. These are miserable human beings, who want to drag the rest of the World down to their shit show life. Time they be put down.

Anonymous ID: cad816 April 12, 2019, 12:47 a.m. No.6148595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8630 >>8662 >>8682



I can't believe that a political movement masquerading as a religion (islam); that openly advocates violence and death to non-believers (Infidels), is allowed to exist in the USA! It is in opposition to the foundations of this Country, freedom of speech, religion, and equality. It needs to go!

Anonymous ID: cad816 April 12, 2019, 2:23 a.m. No.6149013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6145642 (pb)


It's pretty obvious that they will never change! The TDS exhibited by the pedophile couple's Tiegen, is just one example: "Women need to say F' Trump more" (I refuse to use it here, but I'm sure she said it loud and proud, bitch!).


Really for all of them, but realistically the treasonous ones, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schiff, Schumer, Lieu; execution is really the most humane thing for them (and us!). It's like when you have a dog with rabies; they have to somehow put them down so the animal doesn't suffer. These are miserable human beings, who want to drag the rest of the World down to their shit show life. Time they be put down.