Well technically speaking she is in charge of a house of prostitution.
If you are White you are either a White supremacist or a White submissive. Choose supremacy.
No it's not. In a world where Whites lived in White nations by themselves then neutrality could be an option. In diversity world where Whites are considered the evil to be overcome and eradicated then you can choose only White supremacy or White submission. Anti-Whites consider White submission as the only form of "Whiteness" compatible with "diversity". I say fuck that, choose supremacy.
So a child can choose to change sex yet has to wait until he or she is 18 to vote or drink alcohol? If you question this you are a hater.
>madam or madame are both correct, and do not indicated 'prostitution manager'
She is speaker of the house. Is there anyone here that doesn't consider that house a house of prostitution?
>whitey gonna be extinct sonner than later. smh. bowing to negros every second on the hour.
Whites have been called supremacists for a while now. It's about time they started acting like it, again.