>, and if all else fails, to
>accelerate its self-destruction.
", and if all else fails, to
accelerate its self-destruction. "
"While nuclear weapons states can exert unlimited violence over even millions of individuals, strong cryptography means that a state, even by exercising unlimited violence, cannot violate the intent of individuals to keep secrets from them"
Maybe, but the real "secrets" are right in the open, yet the mass of humans can not see it or put it together.
The supposed "document" "secrets" are usually mis-directions.
People are instructed:
"We need a smoking gun"
"that isn't enough proof"
against realization which are obvious.
Its not the lack of documentation which keeps secrets?
And from what' s maybe true…..
Who owns the surveillance tech is the "Keystone"? Or one of them?
The handicap is mental
"You Have it All" is the truth.
But if people don't believe it's all there, right in front of them; they won't look.
That's the trick?