They will always come as long as they are given welfare, housing assistance, free education, healthcare, jobs, and freedom from punishment for crimes, they will just use a different route. When you treat criminals like criminals and begin to jail the illegals along with the employers of illegals while stopping all the aforementioned benefits THEN they will stop coming. Did you real think that politicians were working on a solution to the problem? Haha, like drug companies the govt doesnt win by curing problems they create job security by treating the problem. Wake up! The wall is a nothing burger in stopping illegals…but it will stop anons from fleeing when SHTF.
There once was a famous saying in America that has long since been forgotten….
Actions speak louder than words.
Unemployment "numbers" are govt rigged statistics. Not a word of truth in them, they are used to promote an agenda. Remember how govt used to use home sales and new car sales show how good the economy is doing… when it actually showed if credit was being loosened. Not counting highly educated professionals because of how long they have been unemployed does not produce valid statistics, neither does counting flipping burgers as a job.
You really think the govt will give power back to the people? Knowledge is power and the truth will forever be kept from the masses. Disinfo is necessary….so you cant tell the difference between truth and lies.
You have been misled into believing politicians are either white hats or black hats while in reality ALL politicians only believe in promoting their own self-interests. Those interests are not static, they are dynamic and constantly changing. The political solution is ALWAYS the path that avoids taking a stand and fighting on an issue but rather making a statement and kicking the can down the road to a later date. The perpetual motion of govt is like drug companies, always provide a treatment but never a cure.
Learn to code and they will change the code, but learn Spanish and you can expatriate forever.