Anonymous ID: 434455 April 12, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6152888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2993

>>6150487 pb


Mental Exercise for strategic thinkers (as well as the curious, logical, or bored anons)…no facts, information, sauce, division, fear, nor bewbs in this post … just a mental "what-if" exercise


What information are world governments afraid JA will release?


Re: cartoon (pic related) … are these government actions that we believe to be illegal, actually illegal? Could there be a little known codicil that allows gov’t officials to operate above the law? Think Lois Lerner IRS scandal… why were the court docs sealed?… 'If the people ever found out…."?


What if…? Pandora’s Box Hypothesis


Hypothesis: World governments are operating under a Secret Int’l Treaty – granting themselves extra-constitutional authority in the name of “protecting the public” from some [highly classified] potentially catastrophic phenomena


– Public awareness of catastrophic phenomena could likely cause mass hysteria and collapse of society, thus destroying humanity’s ability to mitigate/survive the phenomena, ergo, secret int’l treaty to prevent collapse of governments & societies


Does this hypothesis help make logical sense of the illogical (nonsensical) actions of media, corporations, wealthy families, and politicians that we observe today, as well as almost every ‘conspiracy theory’ topic for the past 50+ years?


DON’T believe this (untested) hypothesis, but rather, as an intelligent person and logical thinker, CONSIDER its possibility (test this Pandora's Box hypothesis) whenever you are analyzing & trying to make sense of world events— does this hypothesis better inform / make more sense than the public / media / government narrative?


Example: Nothing below is known or know-able to us common folk, but consider the hypothesis and test against the current events you are experiencing:


  • Did President Trump campaign on eliminating treaties that were not in our best interests? Secret treaties included?


  • "If true", could that cause alarm for other world governments - potential for their citizens to discover what was being kept from them? UK, Australia, etc? Reason to protect the status quo 'at all costs' and interfere with US elections?


  • Brennan, Clapper, Hussein, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Comey, RR, et al, feel ( treasonous) actions justified (& protected) under secret treaty? Trials / tribunals in Gitmo to protect sources and methods? or conceal existence/content of secret treaty?



>Comey says Trump a bigger threat than Russia

  • Doesn't make sense on the surface (gross, gross hyperbole), but (testing hypothesis) if Trump going to pull US out of secret treaty, thus allowing world citizens to learn its secrets, then, YES, Comey could perceive POTUS to be a bigger threat than Russia


  • etc, etc, etc


Lastly: hypotheses are meant to be rigorously tested in attempt to break them - find out where they fail, so they can be amended or ruled out all together. Where does this Pandora's Box hypothesis work best and where does it break down or fail?

Anonymous ID: 434455 April 12, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6153047   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Like all things big government - they purport to legislate/act in our interests, when in reality, they usually act in their own self-interests…they use it to their benefit or to justify their actions.