Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6152431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2753 >>2765 >>2989 >>3110

Google Blasted For Labeling Anti-Abortion Film Unplanned’ As ‘Propaganda’


Google is being blasted for labeling the new pro-life film “Unplanned” as “propaganda.”


The Daily Signal’s Kelsey Bolar posted a note on Twitter on Thursday that showed a screenshot of a Google search for the film, adding the caption: “Who knew that ‘propaganda’ was a movie genre? Google once again exposing its gross political bias.”


Google Blasted For Labeling Anti-Abortion Film Unplanned’ As ‘Propaganda’

by Joseph Curl April 12, 2019 27 Comments


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Google is being blasted for labeling the new pro-life film “Unplanned” as “propaganda.”


The Daily Signal’s Kelsey Bolar posted a note on Twitter on Thursday that showed a screenshot of a Google search for the film, adding the caption: “Who knew that ‘propaganda’ was a movie genre? Google once again exposing its gross political bias.”


“Unplanned” takes a critical look at Planned Parenthood. “As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, Abby Johnson was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women on their reproductive choices,” Rotten Tomatoes says in a brief description of the film. “Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in. Until the day she saw something that changed everything.”


Fox News got in touch with Google to ask about the label.


A Google spokesperson explained to Fox News that its “Knowledge Graph” analyzed web content on “Unplanned” and that a large volume of it described the film as propaganda and placed the label without a universal consensus.


“When we’re made aware of disputed facts in our Knowledge Graph, we work to fix the issues, as we’ve done in this case,” the spokesperson told Fox News. Google has updated the search results so that “propaganda” no longer appears as the genre.


After Bolar made her post, other responded.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.6152437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2525 >>2590

‘Major international victory’: Trump cheers ICC decision not to probe US atrocities


After the International Criminal Court (ICC) declined to investigate claims of US atrocities in Afghanistan, US President Donald Trump cheered the decision but said the ICC was “illegitimate” and US and allies beyond its reach.


“This is a major international victory, not only for these patriots, but for the rule of law,” the White House said in a statement, referring to the ICC decision to reject the request to investigate the actions of US military and intelligence officials in Afghanistan.


The US “holds American citizens to the highest legal and ethical standards,” and has consistently refused to join the ICC because of its “broad, unaccountable prosecutorial powers,” threats to US sovereignty, and “and other deficiencies that render it illegitimate,” Trump said in a statement.


Any attempt to target American, Israeli, or allied personnel for prosecution will be met with a swift and vigorous response.


Last week, Washington canceled the entry visa of ICC’s chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, saying that anyone who dared investigate US military or intelligence personnel would face the same fate. The Gambian lawyer had been conducting a preliminary investigation into claims of torture, cruelty and sexual assault by US and allied personnel in Afghanistan, dating to 2003-2004.


Bensouda had found a “reasonable basis to believe that war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed in connection with the armed conflict in Afghanistan,” and was reportedly planning to open a formal investigation.


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Bensouda last month to “change course” or face US sanctions, however, declaring that the US was determined to protect its troops and civilians from “living in fear of unjust prosecution for actions taken to defend our great nation.”


While Washington has pushed for the creation of ad-hoc international tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR), the US voted against the establishment of the ICC in 1998, and has refused to join or submit to its authority after the court was officially created in 2002.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:47 a.m. No.6152463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2495 >>2740 >>2753 >>2765 >>2880 >>2989 >>3110

Hillary Clinton: Assange "Must Now Answer For What He Has Done"


Plenty of politicians on the left and the right were thrilled to learn that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had finally been arrested in London after seven years of hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy. But none were more pleased than Hillary Clinton, who he has blamed Wikileaks - along with a lengthy list of culprits, including all of the misogynist voters who refused to support her - for her loss to Preident Trump in the 2016 election.


In the months before the 2016 vote, Wikileaks published troves of emails stolen from the DNC and Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that illuminated how the party, led by chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, conspired to sink Bernie Sanders' insurgent primary challenge and hand Clinton the nomination despite obvious concerns about her electability. After all, it was "her turn." US intelligence officials have said they believed Wikileaks was acting as a front for Russian hackers, but no evidence to substantiate these claims has ever been produced. Moreover, stories about links between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks, including one notorious report about Paul Manafort meeting with Assange in the embassy during the campaign, have been discredited.


During an event at New York's Beacon Theater on Thursday where she had appeared with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, the former secretary of state was asked if she cared to comment because she has "some familiarity with the work of Mr. Assange."


Clinton laughed: "I do, I do."


Clinton replied that the indictment made clear that Assange's arrest wasn't tantamount to "punishing journalism," and that Assange must now "answer for what he has done."


"I think it is clear from the indictment that came out it's not about punishing journalism, it is about assisting the hacking of a military computer to steal information from the United States government, and look, I'll wait and see what happens with the charges and how it proceeds, but he skipped bail in the UK," Clinton saiid.


"The bottom line is he has to answer for what he has done, at least as it's been charged," the former secretary of state told the audience."


Setting aside the obvious irony in Clinton's response, no appearance by the twice-bested presidential candidate would be complete without a dash of that signature Hillary Clinton humor, and the former secretary of state was happy to oblige.


“I do think it's a little ironic that he may be the only foreigner that this administration would welcome to the United States."




Of course, if nothing else, at least Clinton has been consistent on this issue. When Wikileaks started releasing the stolen war logs and diplomatic cables, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized the company for putting "people’s lives in danger" and threatening "our national security, and undermines our efforts to work with other countries to solve shared problems."

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.6152492   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pursued for ‘exposing evidence of US atrocities’: Corbyn opposes extradition of Assange


Leader of the opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has publicly opposed UK’s possible extradition of WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to the US, saying he exposed evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Hours following Assange’s arrest in London on Thursday, Corbyn tweeted a video statement of Labour MP Diane Abbott, who argued in Parliament that WikiLeaks had “lifted the veil on US military operations in a variety of theaters, none of which have produced a favourable outcome for the people of those countries.”


“Julian Assange is not being pursued to protect US national security, he is being pursued because he has exposed wrongdoing by US administrations and their military forces,” said Abbott.


The US has charged Assange with “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion,” over the 2010 publication of classified US documents provided to WikiLeaks by US Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning.


Fearing extradition to the US on spurious charges raised against him in Sweden, Assange sought refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012. He remained inside the embassy for almost seven years, with the UK denying him passage out, until his asylum was revoked by Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.6152536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU Readys List Of $12BN In Retaliatory Tariffs On US Ketchup, Orange Juice, Tobacco


Europe is reportedly preparing a list of US imports worth some €20 billion ($22.6 billion) that will be subject to retaliatory tariffs in what appears to be the latest development in an incipient trade spat that helped crash the S&P 500's eight-day winning streak earlier this week.


As the two sides inch closer to an all-out trade war, here's more from Reuters:


The European Commission has drawn up a list of U.S. imports worth around 20 billion euros ($22.6 billion) that it could hit with tariffs over a transatlantic aircraft subsidy dispute, EU diplomats said.


U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened to impose U.S. tariffs on $11 billion worth of European Union products over what Washington sees as unfair subsidies given to European planemaker Airbus.


The EU measures would relate to the European Union’s World Trade Organization complaint over subsidies to Boeing.


A WTO adjudicator still has to set a final amount of potential countermeasures.


Offering a slightly different version of the facts, Bloomberg reported that the EU is considering retaliatory tariffs on €10.2 billion euros ($11.5 billion) of goods ranging from foods to helicopters. The list reportedly includes frozen seafood, vegetable oil, chocolate, rum, ketchup, orange juice, vodka, tobacco, trunks and many other items.


The WTO ruled last week that the European Union had unfairly subsidized French aerospace company and Boeing archrival Airbus, prompting President Trump to chime in and threaten tariffs on $11 billion of goods, though the WTO has not yet ruled on the proper retaliatory measures to which the US would be entitled.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6152598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2645

Texas Gun Dealer Sues Feds After Being Forced To Destroy 73,000 ‘Bump Stocks’


As The Daily Wire has reported, the Trump Administration recently enacted — unilaterally, via executive fiat, and without congressional legislation — a full-out ban on so-called "bump stock" devices that can be affixed to modern sporting rifles. The Daily Wire's Kassy Dillon reported on March 26:



Today marks the first day President Donald Trump’s "bump stock" ban goes into effect.


A bump stock is a modification device that allows semi-automatic weapons to harness the recoil energy from a shot to give the firearm the ability to fire like an automatic firearm.


Under the current ban, owning, buying, selling, or transferring a bump stock is illegal, USA Today reported. Owners of bump stocks must destroy or return their bump stocks to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) with no compensation or face felony charges, reported Knox News. A violation could include a $250,000 fine in addition to a 10-year prison sentence, USA Today reported.


Last Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a last-minute request from gun rights groups to halt the "bump stock" ban from going into effect. The groups had argued that, when the Justice Department unilaterally reinterpreted existing statutory law to categorize "bump stock" devices as machine guns, it violated the Administrative Procedure Act. CNN reported:


The Supreme Court denied a request Friday to temporarily block the Trump administration's rule banning bump stocks.


In a brief, unsigned order, the court denied the request from gun rights groups to place the regulation, which took effect April 3, on hold for the plaintiffs who are challenging the ban in lower courts. It is the third time justices have been asked to issue such an order.


Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch said that they would have voted to put the rule on hold as it applies to the challengers. Thomas has repeatedly written that lower courts are snubbing the rights of gun owners.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.6152621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2637 >>2689 >>2747 >>2753 >>2765 >>2989 >>3110 >>3179

President Trump Is Eliminating A Major Federal Agency. The White House Told Us Why


The White House is moving to dissolve the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and reorganize the agency’s responsibilities into three existing departments in order to “drive what is needed to support the mission in all of government.”


“When we really look at the need for government overall, and we looked at the [OPM’s] design to support those needs, there was a fundamental structural misalignment between the challenges of today around our workforce and what OPM was conditioned to do,” Margaret Weichert, deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget and acting OPM director, told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday.


The agency was formed in 1979 and tasked with managing the government’s civilian workforce, which includes healthcare, insurance and retirement benefits, as well as oversight and human resources policies for federal employees.


President Donald Trump’s administration is planning to dismantle OPM, beginning in fall 2019, and divide its functions among three separate departments: Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration (GSA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB).


The OPM is responsible for managing the majority of government security clearances. The restructuring would have the DOD oversee the massive background investigation operation. And GSA could soon take over OPM’s current human resources obligations, according to The Washington Post.


OMB would head the high-level policies that govern federal employees, but only three people from OPM are expected to transfer over to the executive office, a senior administration official explained to TheDCNF. However, those three individuals would be assigned new roles in the department.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6152642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2670 >>2678

Pope on multiculturalism: “Migrants always bring riches”


In a Q&A session Pope Francis told an audience of schoolchildren who had gathered in the Vatican that “migrants bring with them the wealth of a multicultural and multi-ethnic world”.

“Let us thank God for a multi-ethnic and multicultural society”, he said, “because dialogue among cultures, persons, and ethnicities is richness”.

“Multi ethnicity” and “multiculturalism” are the water of life which, unlike distilled water, is tasty and quenches thirst.”

“Migrants are not to be feared as if they were a plague. Migrants are not criminals, just as the mafia was not invented by the Nigerians.”

“The mafia is ours, made in Italy: it is ours”, the pope said, adding, “We all have the chance to be criminals.”

“Migrants are those who always bring us riches. Europe itself was made by migrants! The barbarians, the Celts…”, he continued.

“All these came from the north and brought their cultures with them. Europe grew in this way, with the contrast of cultures.”

“But today”, he lamented, “there is the temptation to a culture of walls, to raise walls, walls in the heart and on earth to prevent this encounter with other cultures, with other people.”

“And whoever raises a wall, whoever builds a wall”, he warned, “will end up as a slave inside the walls he has built, without horizons.”

“If I have a racist heart”, the pope urged, “I must examine myself why and convert.”

He urged that migrants be received, accompanied and integrated because by welcoming them one becomes richer and grows.

The Holy Father urged teachers to encourage the young to grow in the culture of encounter, able to meet different people and grow with differences.

He also lamented a growing culture of indifference in the western world. Calling indifference “a tyranny”, he said it is born of a relativism that considers “mine as mine” and leaves out every certainty.

Last, he warned that from this culture of indifference are born fundamentalism and the sectarian spirit.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6152687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2765 >>2989 >>3110

Louisiana Diocese Releases List Of Accused Predator Priests


The Catholic Diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana, released the names of 12 diocesan clerics Thursday who were allegedly credibly accused of sexual abuse.


The list included the names of four priests, five members of religious orders from the diocese, one priest who served in the area before it became the Lake Charles diocese and two clerics who appear “on lists of other known perpetrators” but have never had an accusation reported in the diocese. Of those listed, eight have died, two are imprisoned, one is “prohibited from ministry” and another has been “sentenced to a life of prayer and penance.”


Those on the list served in the diocese at some point since its founding in 1980.


“To the best of my knowledge, we have reviewed and acted upon every report we have received,” Bishop Glen John Provost said in a video message posted on the diocesan website.


Provost also clarified in a letter that an ad hoc review board consisting of “a retired judge, a retired sheriff, and an attorney” compiled the list after reviewing the diocesan files and archives. The bishop noted that since the diocese is relatively new, names on its list may overlap with any list released by the Diocese of Lafayette.


The diocese of Lafayette, which promised to release a list of credibly accused priests on Friday, will be the last of Louisiana’s seven dioceses to release the names of alleged predator priests.



Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6152692   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Cleric who served in the area before Lake Charles became a diocese, and against whom the Diocese of Lake Charles received an accusation.


Richard Chachere, Diocesan Priest of the Diocese of Lafayette


Assignments in the Lake Charles Area: Parochial Vicar, Our Lady Queen of Heaven.

Accusation: Sexual Misconduct of a minor.

Location of Misconduct: Our Lady Queen of Heaven School.

Date of Misconduct: ca. 1964.

Date Allegation received by the Diocese of Lake Charles: 2009.

Number of Victims: One.

Response from the Diocese of Lake Charles: The Diocese of Lake Charles referred the case to the Diocese of Lafayette.

Current Status: Deceased.


Refer to the Diocese of Lafayette for more information.


Religious who served in the Diocese of Lake Charles, who appear on other lists of known Perpetrators, and for whom the Diocese of Lake Charles has no knowledge of an accusation of misconduct.


Austin Park, SJ, Jesuits US Central and Southern Province


Assignments in the Diocese of Lake Charles: In Residence, Saint Philip Neri, Kinder.

Current Status: Deceased (2013).


Refer to the Jesuits US Central and Southern Province for more information. (Published December 2018)


2) Louis Perrault, CSSp, Holy Ghost Fathers


Assignments in the Diocese of Lake Charles: Pastor, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Lake Charles.

Current Status: Deceased.



Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.6152825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Workers find 27 possible human GRAVES at notorious Florida reform school for boys where children were 'locked in chains, beaten and sexually abused' - taking potential number of burials at the site to more than EIGHTY


Workers may have found 27 more human graves near a notorious Florida reform school shuttered in 2011, where children were said to have been locked in chains, beaten and sexually abused.

'Anomalies consistent with possible graves' were uncovered at the site of the former Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in the Florida Panhandle city of Marianna.

Department of Environmental Protection workers made the discovery as they were preparing to clean up fuel storage 500 feet adjacent to Boot Hill Cemetery, Miami Herald reports.

The discovery would put the estimated number of bodies buried at the site at 82.

The largest gravesite already known is on the northside of the campus, where African-American boys were buried when the school was segregated.

It is at this site where 31 graves are marked with white crosses, but researchers said they believed they do not correspond with actual burial sites.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6152887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: “HA! Clapper caught slipping saying ‘WE [were spying]’ then caught himself. Listen close. DIG DEEP BARR! INDICT THEM ALL!”

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.6152934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2960

NEWSWEEK Columnist Illegally Calling for Open Rebellion Against the Presidency?


NEWSWEEK Columnist Illegally Calling for Open Rebellion Against the Presidency?


Seth Abramson

Verified account

Columnist @Newsweek



Some people are asking when the time to march is—but a growing number of people are asking when the time to march and OCCUPY is. Either America gets an answer on whether Trump and Kushner pose a national security threat, or it’s hard to see how there can be any justice or repose.


Ramses Goat


Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6152959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Israeli model and its American supporters


On 25 February 2019 the Jewish American publication Forward printed a remarkable opinion piece by Joshua Leifer. Leifer, who had worked in Israel for the anti-establishment +972 Magazine, is currently an associate editor of Dissent. His piece in the Forward was entitled “Wake up, American Jews: You’ve enabled Israel’s racism for years”.


Leifer begins by saying that the Israeli right wing political parties have always been racist, though there was a time, back in the 1980s, when they objected to being too upfront about this. Thus, for the sake of public relations, they held their violent and despotic fringe – the Kahanists – at arm’s length. As Leifer puts it, what was frowned upon was the style rather than the substance of “explicit, violent racism”. That objection is now gone. The goal of a “Jewish supremacist state” is out in the open – an explicit political goal. And the Palestinians, including those who are Israeli citizens, are to be condemned to “forever live subjugated under military occupation, confined to isolated Bantustans, or … expelled”. Those Jews, both Israelis and diaspora Jews, who object to this process will be labelled as “traitors.”


Having established these facts on the ground, Leifer asks “how has the American Jewish establishment responded?” His answer is, they have either been silent or, more often, have actively sought to enable the power of Israel’s despotic racism. They have cooperated with, lobbied for, and raised money to underpin Israel’s racist policies. Of course, a Zionist is sure to assert that the lobbying and money are pursued for the sake of Israeli security. Yet, today’s Israeli leaders don’t define security, with the possible exceptions of Gaza and the Lebanese frontier, in terms of borders. Instead, security is defined in terms of achieving and maintaining Jewish supremacy in all territory under Zionist control. This is why all of Israel’s Zionist parties have pledged never to include the token number of Arabs in the Knesset in a governing coalition.


In their effort to support Zionist Israel, America’s establishment Jewish leaders have proven themselves willing to undermine the constitutional freedoms of their own native country, as has been the case with their relentless attacks on the right of free speech as practised in the boycott Israel movement—BDS. In the end, there can be no more convincing proof that these organisations serve as de facto agents of a foreign power, than to see how their leadership willingly discards the modern principles of civil and human rights found in the US constitution – to say nothing of international law – in order to support a state that openly pursues apartheid ends.

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.6153009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How You Can Be Certain That The US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent


Julian Assange sits in a jail cell today after being betrayed by the Ecuadorian government and his home country of Australia. A British judge named Michael Snow has found the WikiLeaks founder guilty of violating bail conditions, inserting himself into the annals of history by labeling Assange “a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interest.” So that tells you how much of a fair and impartial legal proceeding we can expect to see from the British judicial process on this matter.


ut the real reason that Assange has been surrendered by the Ecuadorian government, imprisoned by the British government, and ignored by the Australian government is not directly related to any of those governments, but to that of the United States of America. An unsealed indictment from the Trump administration’s District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, accompanied by an extradition request, charges Assange with “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified U.S. government computer” during Chelsea Manning’s 2010 leak of government documents exposing US war crimes.


This charge is premised on a fraudulent and manipulative distortion of reality, and you may be one hundred percent certain of it. Let me explain.


You can be absolutely certain that this charge is bogus because it isn’t based on any new information. The facts of the case have not changed, the information hasn’t changed, only the narrative has changed. In 2010 the United States opened a secret grand jury in Virginia to investigate whether Assange and WikiLeaks could be prosecuted for the publication of the Manning leaks, and then-Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration was conducting “an active, ongoing criminal investigation’’ into the matter. The Trump administration has not turned up any new evidence that the Obama administration was unable to find in this active, ongoing criminal investigation (US government surveillance has surely acquired some new tricks since 2010, but time travel isn’t one of them), and indeed it does not claim to have turned up any new evidence.


“There’s a huge myth being misreported about today’s indictment of Assange,” journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted today.


“The claim that Assange tried to help Manning circumvent a password to cover her tracks isn’t new. The Obama DOJ knew about it since 2011, but chose not to prosecute him. Story on this soon.”


There's a huge myth being misreported about today's indictment of Assange. The claim that Assange tried to help Manning circumvent a password to cover her tracks isn't new. The Obama DOJ knew about it since 2011, but chose not to prosecute him. Story on this soon.

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 11, 2019


“Holder chose not to prosecute Assange based on the same info Trump DOJ cited,” Greenwald added.


“The weakness of the US charge against Assange is shocking,” tweeted NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. “The allegation he tried (and failed?) to help crack a password during their world-famous reporting has been public for nearly a decade: it is the count Obama’s DOJ refused to charge, saying it endangered journalism.”


The weakness of the US charge against Assange is shocking. The allegation he tried (and failed?) to help crack a password during their world-famous reporting has been public for nearly a decade: it is the count Obama's DOJ refused to charge, saying it endangered journalism.

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) April 11, 2019

Anonymous ID: 7dba86 April 12, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.6153123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3155

California issued fake IDs to 3 million “residents”


How many of them are illegals?


More than 3 million Californians who obtained new identification cards to comply with a federal mandate might have to return to the Department of Motor Vehicles because the state did not adhere to Homeland Security guidelines when it developed the program.


The Department of Homeland Security on Monday sent Gov. Gavin Newsom a letter notifying him that the DMV failed to require Californians to provide adequate verification of their residences when they sought so-called Real ID cards.


The letter says that Californians with Real ID cards must provide more information to the DMV.


The DMV said in a statement that 3.4 million Californians had obtained Real ID licenses, and the department plans to contact them.


It has a plan for Californians to comply with the Homeland Security requirements simply by returning a letter from the DMV by mail. They also could visit a field office, or check in online.


That returned letter would represent a second proof of residency, which the DMV says would fulfill federal guidelines.