Hey anons should i be worried if i wake up with random scratches
Fucking demons
Hey anons should i be worried if i wake up with random scratches
Fucking demons
There goes enjoying my life
Thanks for giving them a way to dew me with 0 effort kikeotus
Trust the plan tho
Bad news
That is a shill
Most likely told to say that to mock targeted anons
But they can already use remote mind control tech without 5g
So ?
You still believe in the hollywood concept of a man sold to you
Gz on being fucking retarded lemming
Tfw youll never be a rich spoiled jewess
Are you the same lizard i,met on runescape
You should learn to type
I know its hard with claws
Nope just retarded and vaccinated
Anyone got any tips for not going insane when 5g goes up and puts me in even more pain than i already am
Patriots arnt in control
Neocon serf overlords backed by negative interdimensionals are
Not sure why theres 2 diff factions
Tfw you were born in the slave jew planet in the hell dimension instead of anywhere actually fun safe and happy
Eh the demons already attack me
I just pretend its not happening
Seems to work,pretty well
This is my issue with the "plan"
Trump goes out of his way to do the exact opposite of whats good for us and publically says that continue the elites lies
All while spending more time caring about israel than he does about our own citizens
Should i trust drone murder
Venezuela regime change
The war in yemen
Regime change in iran
The same countries targeted by the roths and their masters
And then he says he wants to take our guns if a court says its ok
Bans bump stocks
And 5g
Is a whole nother can of worms
Aka trump releases illegals while blamign dems
Those ets are fucking annoying
Tell them to leave me alone or ill leave my can body and activate my oversoul
Transhumanism is bad
Tech should stay outside the human body
Unless its a medical emergency
And even then it should be carefully done
Anyone else miss my mans jerome corsi
And all the larping about pleadians
Was really funny
Literally always the case
If israel wants it for us
And they dont have it its bad
Its funny tho cuz even israel isnt the top
Israel are goy to the bloodlines too rofl