Anonymous ID: 387101 April 12, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.6153494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3547 >>3587

Fusion-GPS and Nellie Ohr were researching TARGETS based on candidates.

They were identifying targets within multiple campaigns for who they could use FISA against


From October 2015 through early March 2016 Fusion GPS was assembling opposition research on all the GOP candidates.


The spying began in 2015, and was part of the collaborative process -and reason- for Nellie Ohr to join the political opposition research being conducted by Fusion GPS.


CIA Director John Brennan had his OCONUS lures, Joseph Mifsud and Stefan Halper on standby awaiting targeting information. They needed targets.


the media began demanding to know who were the foreign policy and national security advisors to candidate Trump. This DNC inspired effort to demand names and lists was in alignment with Brennan, Fusion and Ohr.


In/around late June and early July of ’16, Brennan was in position to turn over the outcome of his operation to the FBI via an origination EC memo.


After carefully negotiating issues with the Clinton email scandal, the FBI small group has successfully announced Hillary Clinton was ‘extremely careless’ but not ‘intentionally grossly negligent’. The team timed the whitewash to conclude prior to the conventions.


Now it’s July 21st, 2016, and candidate Donald Trump has made his acceptance speech at the GOP convention in Columbus, Ohio. In ten days Operation Crossfire Hurricane will officially begin after CIA Director John Brennan gives FBI Director James Comey a two-page “electronic communication” memo to kick things off. Things are going according to plan.


The intelligence outcomes were then continually distributed to the White House and in August 2016 to the Gang-of-Eight as noted by Brennan’s testimony.


On August 5th, former interim CIA Director Mike Morell publishes an Op-ed in the New York Times saying: “In the intelligence business, we would say that Mr. Putin had recruited Mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”


On the same day as the Morell Op-Ed… Hillary Clinton releases the following video. Knowing what you know now about the CIA/DOJ/FBI Trump-operation,

watching this in hindsight might just blow your mind.


In the background, Nellie Ohr worked with Chris Steele to format the extracted, some open-source, intelligence information into a Dossier. The Steele Dossier was the laundry process for political opposition research to be formulated into official intelligence and returned back into the FBI for use in the official counterintelligence operation.


The FBI didn’t need the FISA warrant for additional investigation.

The FBI needed a Russia narrative and to protect themselves from Trump.

The FBI needed the Steele Dossier to justify their pre-existing investigation and mount a defense in the event of a Trump victory.

What is Fusion-GPS’s Steele Dossier without Carter Page?

Without Carter Page, the Steele Dossier is an assembled political file with a bunch of speculative claims about the opposition campaign of a presidential candidate.


NOTE: •On July 31st, 2016 the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign. They did not inform congress until March 2017. •At the beginning of August (1st-3rd) 2016 FBI Agent Peter Strzok traveled to London, England for interviews with UK intelligence officials. •On August 15th, 2016 Peter Strzok sends a text message to DOJ Lawyer Lisa Page describing the “insurance policy“, needed in case Hillary Clinton were to lose the election. That’s where Carter Page comes in.]


On August 25th Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Reno Nevada where she outlines how the “Alt Right” and Russian agents/bots are behind an effort to destroy her campaign.


Mysteriously Clinton disappeared for almost two weeks after that “Alt Right” speech, and resurfaced on September 11th in New York for a 9/11 event. This is when she had that mysterious collapsing episode, and was thrown in the van like a sack of potatoes.


On October 19th Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump square off in their final debate. During the debate Clinton calls Trump “a puppet of Putin”.